Never ask "what else?"

@mommaj (23112)
United States
September 15, 2023 4:55pm CST
Car broke down. Supposedly fixed car. Neighbor went to ER.Friend having kidney problems and Dr won't say what it may or may not be. Car having issues again. Not sure going on trip. Friend can't go with me... Don't want to know what else.
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3 responses
@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
16 Sep
Too many things happening around you. I hope everything works out for the best and soon!
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 Sep
I'm just thankful it's the weekend so everything closed. I need a day off. Lol
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
16 Sep
@mommaj I hope it's not too much stress.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 Sep
@DaddyEvil It's getting tiring. I went to sleep at 7. Lol You can see that lasted for awhile.
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@kareng (57623)
• United States
21 Sep
Hang in there and try to relax! Try to stay positive!! Think of the blessings in your life!!
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@kareng (57623)
• United States
23 Sep
@mommaj I think we all have our fair share of bad at some point in life. I know I have. Take care!
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
21 Sep
Thanks. I have many blessings and I know God is watching over me. I have to have bad once in a while so I can see the good. Luckily everything is still working out for the positive.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
23 Sep
@kareng I have had to remind a couple people lately that life sucks but it is what you make of it so if you only see the bad you can't enjoy all the good. Have a great weekend.
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@jstory07 (135935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Sep
I will never say what else again. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and the weekend.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
16 Sep
Hi @jstory07 I've learned my lesson... You have a great weekend. I'll be sitting at mechanics later today.
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