Today is the birthday of my youngest son

@luisga814 (6913)
Quezon City, Philippines
November 10, 2023 3:19pm CST
Hi there. Me and my wife woke up at around 4:30am. We bought salt bread (pandesal) nearby. By the way, time check right now is 5:16am of November 11, 2023. And today is the 13th birthday of my youngest son (Kyler). And we're planning that we'll wake our two sons and we'll go to the nearby McDonald's just to eat the breakfast. That McDonald's food chain was only opened a month ago. If I'm not mistaken, it's been about 3 weeks ago. This franchise is owned by a well known Philippine artist (Maine Mendoza). This is her 7th franchise of McDonald's under her name. Such a good name.
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4 responses
@aninditasen (16033)
• Raurkela, India
11 Nov
Wishing your son a very happy birthday and many happy returns of the day. Enjoy your day with him. Hope he enjoys too.
@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
11 Nov
Happy Birthday to Kyler. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
10 Nov
Please tell Kyler happy birthday from me. I hope you all enjoyed the breakfast at McDonald's and have a good day.
@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
10 Nov
Happy birthday to your son from me.