Do You Remember 'The Talk' When You Were a Teenager?

@celticeagle (163208)
Boise, Idaho
November 22, 2023 3:59pm CST
I was watching an overly sexy movie last night (some movies seem to have that going on like cigarette smoking back in the 30s and 40s) and I got to remembering back when I had 'the talk' with my mom. It was just that I questioned the actual mechanics of the activity. "Do you mean to tell me that it goes in there?" I asked. "Yes, it does." And that was about the gist of the entire conversation. Just me needing to know for sure. We did have a great Home Health class back in junior high. How did your talk go?
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8 responses
@much2say (54425)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Nov
We saw a film on it around 5th/6th grade at school. When my mom signed the permission slip, she said yah, she thought I should know about it . . . and I was thinking know about what . I heard bits and pieces of what other girls knew. The film was technical, but not about the "process" . . . I didn't understand how the egg and sperm would ever meet. I asked my mom and she said she'd tell me when I got married . So I never had a real talk with my mom about it . . . just kinda had to learn along the way from others.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
That's when I also saw a film in Home Health. Why are parents so nervous about talking to us about this? I think they don't want us to grow up.
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@much2say (54425)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Nov
@celticeagle Right? The thing is it's a part of life. Do parents worry that kids would jump into things too early? If people were more informed about it early on, wouldn't they make better choices about it?
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Nov
@much2say ......I think 'the talk' should include talking about these very issues.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
23 Nov
I learned all at school from older classmates. My parents thought I was too little and never went beyond bees.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
Parents can be so funny.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
@marguicha ......Very true.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
24 Nov
@celticeagle They want to protect us from life and that´s not possible.
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
22 Nov
no I don’t think my parents and I ever had a talk like that from what I recall but yours made me giggle. I did ask how babies come out and my mom said there was a little red door and when the baby is ready to be born the doctors open the door or something like that she told me. I was always so baffled by it. I wound up finding out from a book at a book store.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Nov
What an explanation. That is great! One of those pregnancy books?
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
23 Nov
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
23 Nov
It delayed my love life by several years. But I am OK with that.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
'The Talk' did?
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
23 Nov
My mother gave me a book to read with all the facts.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
That's one way to be sure you get all the info.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
@RubyHawk ......Sounds like it runs in your family
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
24 Nov
@celticeagle My mama was a smart lady.
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@dya80dya (35542)
22 Nov
I didn't have my talk.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
I didn't have much of one.
@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
22 Nov
My mother asked if I knew and I said, Yeah, I know... Nobody really told me, I just had instinctive knowledge.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Nov
I did too but wanted to be sure.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
23 Nov
We never had a talk. I don't remember how I learned about "things". I learned about my period in Campfire Girls. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Nov
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