Good Morning! Happy first of December!

December 1, 2023 6:42am CST
Good morning! Can you believe we are already on the first day of the last month of the year? I have to write the date weekly for paperwork and I just got used to writing 2023 and in a month I will have to start writing 2024! I only have my case manager coming for a home visit since she couldn't meet me at my primary care doctor on Tuesday. Then I decided to treat myself to a $5 calendar from Amazon as I have to write different things my doctor has asked me to since May 2022 and show him. So I must wait for it to be delivered. I have not had something delivered in a long time. What are you doing today?
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6 responses
@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
1 Dec
I am going to Manassas VA for a mystery shop. I will also stop at the Lidl store there as they always have interesting purchases.
2 people like this
1 Dec
I hope you have a fun time mystery shopping and find some good things to purchase at Lidl! I made a pot of gnocchi this morning I added melted butter on them to make my own version of a Polish dish and did it all by myself. I will probably eat them on Saturday or Sunday as I have one and a half containers of spaghetti left
@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
1 Dec
Today, I need to go to the pharmacy, and then the post office. Hopefully, the post office won’t be crazy yet on just the first day of December. But yes, it does seem like when you get used to writing the year, it is time to move on to the next one.
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@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
1 Dec
@LovesEverybody It was empty when I got there, and full when I left! Odd, huh? I had to go in because my Christmas cards are an unusual size, so I don’t know how much postage to put on them. And, if I looked online, I still wouldn’t trust my judgment. Plus, one was going to Canada, and they have to use an international something they said when calculating the postage. The three cards I sent were seven dollars!
@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
1 Dec
@LovesEverybody I think it was around noon. Yes, seven dollars is a lot, but you are right, it is worth it considering we don’t to do things like this often. I have others to mail I will take next week, because I couldn’t get them all written last night.
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1 Dec
@AmbiePam That is very odd. Did you go in right before lunch? when we went to the doctor last Friday the restaurant we were going to begin the holidays was packed as it was still in the noon hour and I had two appointments and didn't leave until almost 2 p.m. and by then lunch rush was over and while there were a lot of people it was the usual rush and wasn't packed! I can understand you not trusting your judgement Seven dollars is a lot of money but it is the time of giving!
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
28 Dec
Soon we will be writing 2023 on everything for a few weeks when we are supposed to be writing 2024 .
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28 Dec
my peer and I have this problem for the first few months of every new year. After each visit together my peer fills out paperwork about what we did and we both sign and date it. Of course, we have to sometimes cross out the wrong year!
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
2 Dec
Hello my nice friend Jennifer. It is the Christmas month.
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2 Dec
Hello, my sweet friend, I am so excited it is Christmas month! it is my favorite month of the year! . I just thought of something, My mom used to say I got so excited for Christmas and my birthday that I always got sick when I was a little girl
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• United States
1 Dec
It's a chilly and rainy day here for the 1st of December. The only thing I have planned for today is to hopefully finish a scarf I'm making for a friend for Christmas. I love using a calendar for writing down important things I don' want to forget. Hope you get your calendar quickly. Amazon is pretty good with fast shipping.
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1 Dec
It is in the 40s here but feels chillier because of the rain. It is very dark today also. I hope you get the scarf finished for your friend. I bet she will love it with how cold winter has been. Is your winter colder this year as compared to last year? Last year I don't remember getting any snow! Thank you! My doctor likes me to put my sleep and mood on a calendar day. I am hoping it comes quickly, I had a bad experience with Amazon delivering dry cat food and I am trying to get over my fear of a company delivering to me by ordering this
@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
1 Dec
I'm busy with my facebook messages , mylot and emails. Good Morning over there!
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1 Dec
Good morning to you! Hope you get everything you have to do done!
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@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
2 Dec
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2 Dec
@cabuyogty you are welcome!
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