Some good news!

December 2, 2023 6:50am CST
I am feeling so great and thought I would share something: My case manager came for a home visit yesterday morning and she said I look fantastic (Not physically) My increased dose of anxiety medicine is honestly working and started to work around Thursday or Friday and my case manager is noticing it as well. She said I look relaxed and I know I have not felt that way in decades. but I feel it now! and another medicine for something else physical I have taken since Tuesday night and that along with the anxiety is making me sleep through the night every night. My primary care doctor wants me to go to bed at 8 p.m. instead of between 4 and 5 in the afternoon when I used to go. I now sit in my room and sometimes get on the computer or I read a book while I have the TV on in the background until 7:50 p.m. when I get the house ready for bed and take my medicine then go to bed at 8 p.m. My primary care doctor is brilliant as he said I would sleep later if I went to bed later and he gave me the medicine I am so happy to finally sleep! I never thought I would be happy, but I am now! Do you have any good news of any kind/
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6 responses
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
2 Dec
I am so glad Jennifer to know that new medication is making you sleep through the night. Sleeping well is so important to feel better during the day.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
2 Dec
It sure is
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
2 Dec
@LovesEverybody We need a good sleep to rest our body but also our brain. I know that 6 hours is a good sleep for me. 8 pm is a good time to go to sleep. I am glad you are no more tired all the day long.
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2 Dec
@LadyDuck How right that is that we need sleep. I used to think I could get by on two or sometimes if I was lucky three hours of sleep a night. How wrong I was! I am usually not tired until 6 p.m. or after and then I sit in my room and usually read while I relax until bed at 8 p.m.. but only spend two hours a day tired like that when I used to spend all day every day
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
2 Dec
That is wonderful Jennifer! I have already written about my good news,my fun new phone! I slept very well last night too.
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
2 Dec
@LovesEverybody My sister will text or email late sometimes too, but not past Midnight.
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2 Dec
@snowy22315 I have had texts from her at 2 or 3 in the morning! I won't be awake anymore but even when I was up I didn't text after 8 p.m. or 9 p.m. if it is an emergency she can call me on the phone as I always answer that
2 Dec
Thank you so much! I will look about your new phone as I can't wait to read about it! Glad you slept well! I had one dream that I remember that was very brief. but I still slept well! My dream was my sister called on the phone to chat at 3 a.m. She often texts me past midnight but she never calls!
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@AmbiePam (87818)
• United States
2 Dec
I’m so glad for you, Jennifer. I know you have been wanting to feel better for so long. It just shows if you never give up, it is very possible to be so much better than we ever imagined.
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@AmbiePam (87818)
• United States
2 Dec
@LovesEverybody That’s so awesome.
2 people like this
2 Dec
Thank you! I love your whole comment and how if we never give up we can be better than we ever imagined! I never thought about it like that! I see the doctor who increased my anxiety medicine this week and I can't wait until I see him and thank him as he never gave up on me either! He wouldn't let me give up on myself!
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
2 Dec
This is wonderful. I am so glad to read this about your medicine and routine are helping you Jennifer. You deserve this. My good news is that maybe I can move. I have an appointment to see about a transfer.
2 people like this
2 Dec
Thank you! I don't remember the last time anybody noticed that I wasn't full of anxiety. I even have my motivation back! I am doing a load of laundry! I may do a second load in about a half hour when the first load gets out of the dryer! I may start doing the laundry weekly. I have been doing it about once a month. so this is progress for me! I hope you can move so I will cross my fingers and send good thoughts your way!
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Mar
That is great that you can now sleep longer.
1 person likes this
8 Mar
Thank you! I haven't had a night in a long time where I didn't sleep at all! I recently stopped my injections and am taking the pill form of the injection medicine and the new medicine is making me sleepy!
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
2 Dec
Wonderful news and I' am happy for you.
2 people like this
2 Dec
Thank you! I have two of the best doctors in the world who wanted more than anything to help me!
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