The power of effective communication

January 13, 2024 10:29am CST
Communication is truly important as we can able to convey our feelings and thoughts about certain things.And while listening to a talk made by Sheila Viesca about the power of effective communication, these are the things I have learned: 1.We are not mind-readers.That's why we communicate. 2.If we are not in agreement to someone's saying, learn to listen with empathy 3.Communication is not about winning..It can be finding solutions. 4.We can use I statements 5.We can ask questions to clarify things when communicating 6.Tone is also considered in communication
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4 responses
• Nairobi, Kenya
13 Jan
Also we can get our needs known if we communicate instead of staying silent.
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13 Jan
I am not that assertive..And communication is indeed important..And I feel like it is important to know about non-verbal communication and of course knowing the personality of the person whom we are talking to. But the at end of the day, it is essential if we learn to communicate to make our needs known by others.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
13 Jan
@elmer0421 non verbal communication is hard to interpret.
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13 Jan
1 person likes this
13 Jan
For two people to communicate effectively they need to focus on what they think the other person would grasp. If they can get their point across then they have communicated well and they have gotten the ideal result.
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13 Jan
True...That's why we have to make our message comprehensible to the person we are talking to.
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
13 Jan
Tone is so important..all of it really. I do not like a person that is loud and shouting and does not have to.
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13 Jan
I agree with you
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@ogbenishyna (4046)
16 Jan
Thanks for sharing, this information will be very helpful.
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