
January 30, 2024 7:21am CST
As one of the speakers of the training I attended earlier said, feedback should be timely, accurate and constructive.Giving feedback is really essential because it helps us to know what things that need to be improved..Feedback can help us grow. The speaker mentioned that there are different feedback strategies and they are oral feedback, written feedback, deep feedback and peer feedback. It's a great day as we got to learn something from our two speakers.Can you give instance where you find it helpful when someone gave you feedback that improve your work or task?
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3 responses
@QAhmed (15)
30 Jan
That must be a beneficial training, I am working on a research paper that revolves around the role of manager at workplace and one of the major variable is the "feedback from manager". There is no doubt that feedback helps us improve our work either personal or professional.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
30 Jan
The speaker was perfectly right. This is something my husband always taught during his courses, giving feedback is essential.
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
30 Jan
Never heard of the deep feedback..sounds good..glad you had this class or meeting.
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