So proud of my son

@sissy15 (12284)
United States
March 1, 2024 4:29pm CST
After yet another long and terrible day at work coming out to the car and seeing my son with a giant smile on his face as he greeted me with good news made my day. He informed me he got the Student of the Month award for his team. The middle school here groups students by grade and then by teams. The 7th grade has three teams. They do it this way so they can do their field trips and things easier. The Student of the Month award is an award that is given for good behavior and kids who are working hard in all areas of school so needless to say I'm super proud of my amazing kiddo. I've seen how hard he has been working and I've seen the change in his personality and how hard he has worked to control things that at one time were beyond his control. He went from this kid that had me super worried about how life was going to go for him, to being this kid who I almost don't recognize from last year because he has worked so darn hard to get where he is now. I told him we see and recognize all the work he has put in. We've had a tough couple of years and something like this gives me a real reason to smile. My son always makes me smile. He is one of the best humans I know and I'm so happy other people are seeing that in him now. He is kind, funny, smart, and just all-around amazing. His guidance counselor told me that all of the teachers love him and have enjoyed seeing his amazing personality and they love how he always has a smile for everyone and is always cracking jokes and that he's such a good kid. She actually told me she wished they had a lot more kids like him. Doing what I do all day I can understand what she's saying. We have a lot of kids who can't follow simple directions let alone be able to accomplish the things my son has been doing. Nothing makes me more grateful for my son than working with the kids I work with. The kids I work with aren't bad kids but they don't have any guidance or direction. My son is my sunshine. He is what makes my day better without even realizing he does it. Seeing that smile of his or hearing him crack a joke or just seeing him be kind really makes my heart happy. Knowing my son makes friends with kids who wouldn't otherwise have any because other kids don't dig deep enough to see the good in them the way my son does makes me so happy that I have the kind of kid I do. My son had friends from all types of groups and seems to make friends easily but there are so many kids that struggle to make friends and my son sees them and doesn't judge them. He just accepts them as they are because that's the kind of person he is. He's easygoing and laidback and just loves people and works hard to be kind to everyone. I'm so proud of who he is. He is the kid who cries for others who are struggling because it hurts him to know others are hurting. Knowing that he is being recognized for just being the amazing kid he is makes me feel good. I always tell him how amazing he is. My son who seldom shows self pride because he is just who he is and doesn't think it's a big deal told me today he was proud of himself and I told him he should be. I told him he has every right to be proud of himself for the work he puts in. I told him other people are just seeing in him what I've always seen in him.
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2 responses
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
2 Mar
Your son really is amazing. You have every reason to be proud of him.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
3 Mar
Thank you, I make sure he knows every single day how proud we are of him.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
24 Mar
He is the result of your being an amazing mother.