Productive-Ish Monday

Rupert, Idaho
March 18, 2024 2:56pm CST
Hello again everyone. How are you all doing so far? Here it is almost 2 PM which means I need to get ready soon to go get my son from school - they get out about 2:45 (but I go about 2:30 to get a good parking spot). It's currently 57 degrees with a real feel of 65. That will be a nice change. Don't even have the heat on inside currently. It's been a sort of productive day. After breakfast (and watching the latest episode of American Idol with my husband) I cleaned up all the dishes. Then, I started on a bigger kitchen clean up. Trying to clean out the cupboards and make more room, throw old stuff out, etc. Even put some of the spices in a spice rack thing that I got that was my great-grandma's after she passed away. I think it holds 24 spices. Will be nice to get those out of the cupboard and have more room. I will work on more of the kitchen tomorrow. Then move on to other rooms. Try to get rid of some stuff too. Sort of a spring cleaning. And hoping in doing this we won't have to do too much when inspection time comes in April. But yeah -that's been the day so far. Sound productive? lol Also made this puppy is a little bit of a different style than my art has been. Do you like the style and design?
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5 responses
@kaylachan (59984)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
18 Mar
Sounds like you got a lot of things done. I wish I could say the same, but I did get the trash out and the laundry done. So, there's that. George went outside again. Looks like it might rain. Ordered mcdonold's for lunch so instead of going back to my office, I'm here.
• Rupert, Idaho
19 Mar
Well it doesn't seem like a lot, but I guess it could be. Getting the trash out and laundry done is a lot to me...
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@kaylachan (59984)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Mar
@MommyOfEli2013 What's that saying, you're your own worst critic? I feel productive if I just do one thing.
• Rupert, Idaho
19 Mar
@kaylachan I always have been. But I just feel that I never do enough. That's good that you feel productive if you just do one thing, I wish I could....
@RebeccasFarm (87114)
• United States
19 Mar
It sounds like you've had a nicely productive day so far! Getting a head start on some spring cleaning by organizing the kitchen and going through cupboards is a great idea. Having a dedicated spice rack, especially one with sentimental value from your great-grandmother, will definitely help declutter and make things more accessible. Tackling this room by room is a smart approach. Getting some decluttering done before inspection time will really pay off. And 57 degrees with that "real feel" warmth must be such a nice break! No need for heat is always a pleasant surprise. The puppy design you made looks really cute! I like the slightly different illustrative style you've gone with - it has a fun, friendly vibe. The proportions and expression on the puppy's face are very endearing. Switching up styles keeps your art fresh and allows you to explore new techniques. Well done on an evidently productive and creative day so far! Wishing you a smooth school pickup for your son later. Hope you have a good evening Courtney.
• Rupert, Idaho
19 Mar
Well I don't know much good it did, I still have a lot to go on just the kitchen. Least we have a few weeks. Yes, could have worn shorts today, it was that nice. I'd say it was the perfect weather today. Not cold, but not burning hot. No bees out lol. Glad you like the design....and this style is a bit more realistic looking, but still has a lot of color.
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• United States
19 Mar
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@dfollin (24306)
• United States
18 Mar
I was going to say before I even read this I love that puppy picture! Yes your day does sound productive!!!!!
• Rupert, Idaho
19 Mar
Glad you like the puppy design, thank you
@wolfgirl569 (97537)
• Marion, Ohio
18 Mar
Very cute puppy. I have most of my spring cleaning done
• Rupert, Idaho
19 Mar
Glad you think it is....and that is good to hear
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@LindaOHio (160747)
• United States
19 Mar
The puppy is really cute. I need to work with hubby's cousin and start cleaning out our excess stuff. I've been doing it for years; but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Have a good day.
• Rupert, Idaho
19 Mar
Glad you think it is. Sounds like a good plan... It does take a lot of work!
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