Making memories

@sissy15 (12284)
United States
March 23, 2024 5:30pm CST
2024 has proved to be an extremely difficult few months of my life but somehow we keep moving forward and we keep trying to make good memories with our child. I can't even begin to start on all of the bad things that have happened to me since January but I refuse to sink with the ship. We have been making sure that despite everything our son gets to experience things and make memories. We've gone to the Dayton Air Force Museum, Rutheford B Hayes Museum, The Merry Go Round Museum, an indoor trampoline park with go-karts, trips to nearby towns to do walks in parks on the nice days, checking out local stores/malls, trying different restaurants once a week. We do things at home like watching movies and playing Mario Kart. I want my son to look back and not just see all of the bad that happened. I want him to remember the good times. Sometimes if you just focus on all of the bad things you'll never be able to see the good that is in front of you. My goal is to make the good memories make up for some of the bad ones. My son is this amazing smiley kid who despite all of the circumstances in his life finds a reason to smile and who just has this bright light that draws everyone to him and I know how incredibly fortunate I am to have him and I really want him to experience some of the happiness he brings others. I know how blessed I am and that's what keeps me going on the bad days. My son is the only human I know who can take a bad day and make it better for me. A smile from him really does make my day and every good memory I'm able to give him is worth whatever sacrifice I need to make for him. I have such fond memories of my childhood. My parents seldom spent any real money outside of the price of gas for the car and I have all of these amazing memories of trips to the lake, fishing, taking walks, camping, getting to go out to eat every Friday, and just getting to do all of these things and I want my son to experience some of that. I grew up poor and never once did I feel poor. I had parents that loved me and did things with me. My son deserves some of that.
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4 responses
@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
25 Mar
Yes , im poor also but i'm still satisfied and happy that i can do things that i want like buying my own food as well as watching youtube videos
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
25 Mar
Being poor doesn't mean you can't memories which is something I learned very young. If you have food to eat you are definitely doing better than some people.
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@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
26 Mar
@sissy15 That's good
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
24 Mar
You have made and are making great memories for your son.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
24 Mar
I´m sure that your son is cherishing the love you are giving him.
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Mar
Sure sounds like my childhood, My parents were immigrants who had gone through WW II. I had everything I could want plus a TImex wristwatch remember those days? Food was plentiful and my summers were spent out in the Catskill Mountains of NY state. I am glad you also have happy memories of childhood, I wish all the same to your son and glad he is such a happy child, What is his name and how old is he?
@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
23 Mar
Thank you, he's 13, but I won't give out his name on here. It sounds like you had a great childhood. My parents didn't have money. We owned our home which they bought for about 10k and put another 20k into it because there was a house fire and needed a lot of work when they bought it but when I was a year old my dad lost his job and after that there were a lot of patch up jobs. I remember our furnace breaking and freezing in the winter and I remember when our pipes busted and our roof leaked. Despite not having much financially my parents made sure we had freedom to be kids and took us to local places. My much older sisters once took us to Disney World which was the best vacation I ever had. My parents couldn't have afforded that. We were poor but I never really felt poor. I remember my childhood fondly. I remember running around town with the neighborhood kids (I lived in a small town with a population of about 200 that was out in the middle of nowhere). I remember riding my bike about two to three miles to the library in the next town with my brother, I remember picking berries off the trees and eating them, we were kids. We had the freedom most kids wished they had. My parents took us to nearby places but boy did we make memories. I had toys and things but my parents couldn't afford to get me everything I wanted and I knew it and was just happy to get to be a kid. I did a lot of dangerous things they had no clue I was doing because we weren't supervised the best but it made for some of the best memories and the time they did spend with us were some of the best parts of my childhood. I will say we were super blessed that we never went without food. I never knew hunger. My dad had us help him with a garden and in the summer most of our vegetables came from the garden.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
25 Mar
@RasmaSandra I always tell my son I'm his mom first but that I'm always going to love him and be there for him when he needs me. My son and I are close but I have always put being a mom over being his friend. I've always seen it as kids have friends what they need is a parent. That's not to say a parent can't be a friend to their child but they need to know their parent is there first. My job as a parent is to do my best to raise and protect my son to the best of my ability but he knows he can talk to me about anything. I have seen kids who need a parent and all they have is a friend who doesn't do the things a parent should be doing. My son does know he can confide in me and I will sometimes let go of the adult side of myself to get down on his level and just be silly. I try and give him the love and compassion he needs but at the end of the day I'm his parent first and that has been our dynamic. You're right a parent can be a friend but their job should always be a parent first. My son has a ton of friends and he sees me as the person he can run to when things are hard. He seeks me out in times of worry for comfort. My goal has always been to be honest with him while still trying to comfort him the best way I know how. He wants me as his mom and not his friend but to me part of being a parent is also being a friend who listens when he needs someone to talk to. He knows he can tell me anything and I'll always love him even if I don't always agree with him. He has always told me I'm his favorite person and he loves me most and I've always told him the same. My son knows when I'm tough it's because I love him. I do my best to be the person he knows he can always come to. I loved my parents and they were great to me but I never felt I could go to them with everything. I knew there were things they would disapprove of and instead of listening they'd scold me and I have never wanted that for my son. He knows there are going to be times I won't agree with him but I'll listen. As his mom I want what is best for him and that means making sure he knows some choices are his own whether or not I agree and that part of growing up is making mistakes. He knows he has my unconditional love no matter what.
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Mar
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