random memories of scaring people

@sissy15 (12284)
United States
March 26, 2024 7:12pm CST
When I was younger, probably in my early to mid teens one of my favorite things to do was scare people. I mean I wasn't doing this to random strangers (usually) and I wouldn't do it to anyone with a heart condition. Typically just to mine and my brother's friends who have been known to pull pranks and things too. Once when my brother had his friends over and they were watching the movie "The Others" which terrified one of his friends. I have seen this movie and after watching the whole thing I found it less scary and more sad but I digress. His friend was sitting in our recliner. I heard the music and saw the perfect moment to jump out. I hid by the wall and jumped out at her and I have never in my life gotten a better reaction than hers. She literally fell out of the recliner and we were all dying with laughter including her. My friends and I loved jumping out at each other and scaring one another. It always made us laugh. My friend and I used to hide under the living room window at my house and wait until people walked by it and make funny noises that startled people. We got a good laugh from their reactions. They always tried to figure out where it was coming from. It was such a random thing we did but I have a lot of fond memories of those times. It was definitely just another dumb thing we did in our teens but it was something that brought us laughter at the time. I always loved getting people's reactions. I am sure some people probably found us annoying but at the time we didn't care. I used to scare my son when he was a baby too because he'd crack up laughing so hard when I'd jump out to scare him. He'd jump so high and then let out a big belly laugh and after that it was one of my favorite things to do because I loved hearing those big baby/toddler giggles.
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4 responses
@JudyEv (332010)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Mar
You would have so much fun doing this and it's great that you chose who you scared and didn't do it randomly. You would have all had lots of laughs from your pranks.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
27 Mar
I still laugh at a lot of it now and it's not beneath me to still pull an occasional prank but for the most part, I've left that in the past. My friends and I are all parents now. We have all had to grow up and be responsible human beings. It amuses me how our children sometimes remind me of us when we were younger. I enjoy seeing them play together sometimes. My friend and I have the boy versions of us as children and I get a kick out of it. They so far have not played pranks on each other but my son does have my sense of humor so I feel like it may only be a matter of time.
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• New Baltimore, Michigan
27 Mar
That’s funny with the hide & seek. We were kinda evil about it, my brothers and I would play it, along with my best friend. We’d do the counting, and my brothers would hide. Then we would never look for them at all and just take off and do something else. Who knows how long they’d be hiding.. and waiting. My brother and I used to tell our youngest brother that he was adopted. We had him believing it for years. He didn’t really look like us! So it was semi-believable. We didn’t like his wild, curly blonde hair. It just didn’t match ours. And then we’d say don’t ask Mom or Dad about it, they’ll just lie to you. They have to, it’s the law. I also had my other brother believing that the last letter of the alphabet was Zinc, not Z. Told him it was a magic letter, because it was the last letter. He was just learning the alphabet too. I can only imagine what went on in school for him with this fake knowledge, and how he performed on tests. W…X…Y…Zinc! Terrible family
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
27 Mar
This sounds very much like my brother and I with our nieces and nephews we grew up with (I have much older siblings and have nieces and nephews around my age). We told my niece (she's 4 years younger and was the youngest of us all) that we would find her when we played hide n' seek and would leave her hiding so we could go play elsewhere without her following and tattling on us. I am the youngest of my siblings so there were no adoption stories but I did used to tell my parents we should trade my brother to the circus for a dog. My brother was mean to me a lot and would make up stories. I had this huge walk-in closet in my room and he told me the boogie man lived in there and I'd have nightmares and I went in and told my parents and after that his punishment was to check the closet every night to make sure nothing was in it. Another time he convinced me Jack Frost was going to come in during the night to take me away. I was terrified for the longest time and would hide under my blanket (somehow my name was written on the window and froze there when it was cold he still claims he didn't do it and I didn't do it either but he told me that was Jack Frost marking my window so he knew who to take). I got even enough times by painting his fingernails when he was asleep. He was a lot bigger than me so I had to take a lot from him. He told me when he had kids he wanted a girl first because he remembers how he was as an older brother lol. We laugh about a lot of it now but we were pretty mean to each other although he was much meaner to me than I was to him. He's three years older and has always had a lot of height on me. He's 6'3" now to my 5'7". We are nicer to each other now thankfully.
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@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
27 Mar
Good memories indeed.
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@jstory07 (135931)
• Roseburg, Oregon
27 Mar
That sounds like you had a good time scary people.
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