Watching movies with my son

@sissy15 (12284)
United States
March 27, 2024 9:57am CST
I watch A LOT of movies. I watch a bit of everything even though I have a special fondness for older movies. Having a child I find myself watching a lot of children's movies, especially Disney movies. I seldom watch any of the movies that have been nominated for the Oscars but I've almost always known all of the movies nominated for the Best Animated category. I have seen about every new release for children's movies. My son and I almost always dedicate at least one day during the week to watching a movie and we get excited when there's a new family-friendly movie that has been released. Watching movies has always been one of the ways we spend time together. I have introduced him to a lot of my childhood favorites and we have started watching older movies together. My son has a fondness for Lucille Ball and Doris Day (who also happen to be two of my favorite older actresses). We also watch TV series together I Love Lucy was by far one of his favorites we watched. He asked me why they didn't make shows like that anymore. I told him I didn't know because to this day it's still a classic. I guess the best answer would be that there's no one like Lucy anymore. My son and I also especially love movies with musical numbers. We watch a lot of musicals and most Disney movies are loaded with music so we find ourselves singing along. My husband who we joke hates joy, does not enjoy our renditions as we sing off key. Sometimes it is less about how it sounds and more about the joy it brings singing it. I know I can't sing. I don't pretend to be able to but I can't help singing along with some of my favorite songs. My son and I really enjoyed the music from Encanto. We still randomly burst out singing "We don't talk about Bruno". Movies have always brought us together. When we've both had a tough day and just want to relax I will put on one of our favorite movies and we will forget about our day for a bit and sing along to some of our favorite songs. We don't always watch musicals or Disney movies but I've found when we have had a tough day the music in the movie helps bring us necessary joy. This will always be one of the things my son and I have together. I hope when he grows up he remembers it fondly and if he has his own children he'll share this tradition with them. I remember longing for the days when my son would watch more than the same three movies and when he started to learn to broaden his horizons we really started sharing a love for movies. My son is 13 now so we are able to broaden what we can watch just a tad more. I am still pretty strict about movie ratings though.
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1 response
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Mar
I like Doris Day. I have been finding a lot of oldies on YouTube. I like the old ones though. The 40s and 50s. Most of the 60s were dumb. I have Disney+ and like to watch the shorts. My grandson and I watch an occasional movie together when a more recent one he likes comes out to stream. He likes Marvel and such as that.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
28 Mar
I have a lot of streaming services so we are usually able to find quite a bit. I like some 60s more so the early 60s. Not a fan of a lot of the 70s movies though but a lot of movies got better again in the 80s and 90s. My son and I watch a bit of everything together. Tonight my husband and I watched "On Golden Pond" My son decided it wasn't for him which is fair. The movie is a bit slow-paced and not very climactic but it's still a good movie. My son and I watch most of the new releases that come to Disney+.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Mar
@sissy15 ......Always fun to watch with the kids and see how they experience them.