@Sambriel (2243)
April 5, 2024 3:30pm CST
Hello, every one it is often said your absence reveals your true friends and oh ! Happy April by the way . So, I hope I didn't miss much though ? I had go ,take some time off social media to address certain aspects of my life now that I am still young because, as we grow older we are faced with more and more responsibilities. But, the best one can do is to plan and execute early. But hey ! This is life right ? Well, even though a lot of people don't even bother to reach out...I'm here to know how you're doing. So, tell me, what has been going on in your life lately?
7 people like this
5 responses
@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
5 Apr
I feel like the goold old wide web treats me better than the other world that comes with grass to touch. I'm speaking of the big parties, otherwise people are pretty much the same. So I'm waiting for their majesties in the offline world to tell me more while I prepare for the exams. I'm positive I'll be able to get a diploma anyway, but I'd rather find a way to make a living online.
3 people like this
@Sambriel (2243)
5 Apr
@abtraversa interesting! Wow sounds like a nice plan You'd do great ! I trust you would. What course are you studying for?
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@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
5 Apr
@Sambriel Aww, thank you! It's Chemistry. Not sure if I'll ever work in that field but it's good to know how things work.
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@Sambriel (2243)
6 Apr
@sabtraversa you're welcome! Nice one. You've got a strong point. Why do you think you may not ever work in that field specifically?
1 person likes this
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
6 Apr
Happy April to you. You are right, growing older is not easy and it's not fun, but social media are a nice way to keep in touch with the external world without having to go out of your door. I am taking care of my husband and chatting with the many friends I made here in myLot.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
6 Apr
@Sambriel I am glad to see users come back to myLot. My husband is not too bad today, very confused as usual, but there is nothing we can do for this problem.
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@Sambriel (2243)
6 Apr
@LadyDuck me too. Glad to know that,I think there's a lot you can do. Keep faith ! Everything is going to be just fine ,give it time okay?
1 person likes this
@Sambriel (2243)
6 Apr
@LadyDuck hey! I wish you the very best of it. You have said it all. That's very kind of's so nice to reconnect with you again after all these times. How is your husband doing today ?
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
5 Apr
I am working on sharing good news stories here as well as completing surveys working at home today.
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
6 Apr
@Sambriel Prime Opinion Surveys.
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@Sambriel (2243)
6 Apr
@Deepizzaguy oh I see I've not heard about it before ...can you enlighten me more about it ?
1 person likes this
@Sambriel (2243)
5 Apr
@Deepizzaguy that's awesome! Oh I see , what kind of survey is that ...if you don't mind my asking?
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
6 Apr
Welcome back. A lot goes on here in just a few weeks. My husband fractured his hip and has been in rehab. He's been gone from home for 9 weeks so far. Much too long! Have a good weekend.
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@Sambriel (2243)
6 Apr
@LindaOHio Thanks alot ! Ouch ! I'm so sorry about your husband's condition, wow that's quite some time. You're greatly appreciated...I wish you same ! Thanks and I wish you your husband quickest recovery!
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@Sambriel (2243)
7 Apr
@LindaOHio nah! Don't mention it!
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
7 Apr
@Sambriel Thank you very much.
1 person likes this
6 Apr
I've been trying to convince my Hoomin to buy me one of those fancy covered litter-boxes. I'll never use it, but I want one.
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@Sambriel (2243)
6 Apr
@Scarred4Lyfe That's not so hard a thing to do ...I hope he gets you one ... perhaps it may come as a surprise,watch out!
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