Hello, April 2024.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.
@tammys85 (29987)
Baltimore, Maryland
April 5, 2024 4:36pm CST
I don't have a lot planned, but I do have a few things to look forward to this month. So, this may be a shorter post than other "Hello, [Insert Month Here]" posts. My first event is WWE Wrestlemania 40 weekend, which is a huge professional wrestling event. Many of us fans consider it the Super Bowl of pro wrestling. Anywho, it airs Saturday and Sunday (evening), and I'll be watching both events at home. I have a mixture of healthy and sweet snacks, and I'll be dressing comfy and chilling under my comforter while watching. :) The other event is next Thursday. My 14-year-old niece introduced me to a cover band called "First to Eleven." They cover a variety of songs, many of which I enjoy, so I'll be attending the concert in Virginia with two of my nieces and my brother-in-law next week. I'm looking forward to it, even though it's going to be exhausting (no seats, unless there's a bar or whatever, I guess). I'm working on a few writing orders during the day, and if I'm too tired, I'll take off on Friday. There's no reason to take off the day of the show though. Other than a few family members' birthdays, there isn't much else going on at the moment. I'm hoping it warms up because I'd like to spend more time outside. I hope April is a good month for everyone! :) Photo Credit: Pixabay.
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6 responses
@moffittjc (120079)
• Gainesville, Florida
6 Apr
Sounds like you have a fun month planned. I entered the month with no real plans firmed up, but I've already spent a weekend at the beach, went bowling, and attended a gymnastics meet. All spur of the moment decisions. So although I have nothing else on the radar for the rest of April, I'm pretty sure I will somehow make it a fun, active month.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
9 Apr
All of those sound fun, especially the beach and bowling. I'd love to plan one or the other, as I live near both. Yeah, you never know what's going to come up! I really enjoyed Wrestlemania weekend, and even though I'll be exhausted the next day, I'm looking forward to the concert on Thursday. It's been a while --- is it safe to assume you're doing well?
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
15 Apr
@moffittjc I'm doing well! Loving the warmer weather right now. I've started doing my writing orders at a local coffee shop several days a week, and while the walk is short, it's kind of peaceful when the weather cooperates lol. I feel that lol. I wound up taking off the next day. I only took off the day of the show because I needed to take care of something important and then had to wrap up early.
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@moffittjc (120079)
• Gainesville, Florida
9 Apr
@tammys85 I am doing well, and I hope you are as well. Sometimes I get excited about upcoming events, without thinking about the repercussions afterwards, such as getting no sleep or having to go to work the next day.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Apr
Do I need to tell you to enjoy WrestleMania? Well, I hope you do. I hope you enjoy the concert too.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
9 Apr
I absolutely enjoyed it, so thank you lol! One of my all-time favorites won his first major title the other night!
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
15 Apr
@just4him Thank you so much! I've met him twice and he's an absolute class act.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Apr
@tammys85 I'm glad your favorite won his first major title.
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@kaylachan (62739)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Apr
I hope you enjoy it. Are you going nuts over the eclipse on Monday?
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
9 Apr
Thanks! We watched it in our backyard with the special sunglasses, but none of us went nuts or anything. It was a nice way to spend time together, and when it was nearly covered (it didn't get dark like that here in MD), we went in and continued with our day lol.
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
6 Apr
It's not yet very warm even where I live and I hope for warmer days soon. I hope you are going to have a good month of April.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
9 Apr
I'm ready for the 60s and 70s. 80s, sure. 90s and 100s, nope lol. I hope you have a good month too!
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
15 Apr
@LadyDuck Exactly. I don't want to feel miserable inside or outside.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
10 Apr
@tammys85 I hope not 100s, I like warm weather but NOT hot weather.
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Apr
I hope that April will be a productive month for you, I used to watch WWE when Hulk Hogan was still wrestling,
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
9 Apr
Awww thanks! I'm trying! I've been watching for most of my life, and I got hooked on it in 1996 thanks to Shawn Michaels. One of my all-time favorites, Cody Rhodes (Dusty Rhodes' son) just won the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, so I'm very excited about it because he's never held either of the major two titles before.
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@grenery8 (5901)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 Apr
so many adventures that are waiting for you. enjoy them
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
9 Apr
Aw thank you! I will!
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@grenery8 (5901)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
10 Apr
@tammys85 welcome
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