We are getting closer and closer to Digital Money

United States
May 15, 2024 12:30am CST
Went to Walmart today..went to go pay for my stuff. They have been remodeling this Walmart for a while now. Today, I had to walk halfway across the store to find a Human Cashier. There are like 30 checkout lanes. The only Human Cashiers start at 24! So 23 lanes are Self Check Out. I will NOT use a Self Checkout until they give me a 25% Discount on all of my purchase. I feel like that 25% would help pay for the salary of a human cashier, and since I don't have one..they should give me a discount! This weekend Tom stopped at a convenient store while he was working and got a hotdog and a drink. There was no one at the counter when he went to pay. He found a lafy sweeping and asked her if she could check him out. She told him to place his items on the Blue spot on the counter, push a button, and follow the instructions. He placed his items, punched the button. There was a camera that came out and took a picture...then told him how much he owed...he put the money in, and it spit out his change. No Cashiers! Give him and me the creeps when he told me about it. I have heard for almost a decade that out Govt wants to control us...until COVID, I didn't think it could happen...I Believe it NOW!
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10 responses
• China
15 May
The same goes for China, where most people do not pay in cash now. This situation occurred in 2013 and has been ongoing for 10 years now.
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• China
16 May
@Ghostlady This is bad news for you
2 people like this
• United States
16 May
@zhangxueying Not really...unless it happens before I leave this earth. I am 70 so figure I am living on borrowed time. LOL
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• United States
16 May
But you still Do have cash... I like having cash..I collect old coins, weird Serial numbers on dollars etc. Wondering what will happen when there is NO cash? What will Collectors collect? LOL
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 May
So if that happens what are people suppose to do for a job.
2 people like this
• United States
15 May
Just like anything else the Govt comes up with...They give something and take something away. People wanted Higher wages..they got it..but higher wages doesn't mean you have a job! Once Real Money is banned, the Govt will have control of how you pay your taxes. If they say you owe taxes...they will just take the money. People have been on YouTube with all this information...but the MSM will not report anything about it or they keep saying that would Never happen Here! Books in the past have warned us about a Tyranical Govt. yet we just can't believe that could happen to America. Every country controlled by their Govt never thought that could happen either.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 May
@Ghostlady What gets me is how people vote for the people IN office to get where we are now then when things happen they never expected they complain about it when they ought to pay MORE attention to what people are saying.
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• United States
16 May
@2ndchances24 The sad part is..those people we Vote for make promises, then later decide they either can not do what they promised without Congress, or they just keep saying they are trying when they really had no intent to do what they said..IE Student Loans..People listen to whatever News Staion and believe what they are telling them...instead of researching the Truth. Somewhere between Fox and CNN is the TRUTH..I don't rely on either one. I have found BOTH to Lie! When I hear a Candidate or the News say they will do something or change something..I look it up to see if they really CAN do it, or have to go through Congress to get it done. If something sounds to good to be true...It IS!!! Democrat or Republican POLICIES are what is important not the Party!
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@popciclecold (37018)
• United States
15 May
Sounds weird.
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@wolfgirl569 (100062)
• Marion, Ohio
15 May
I don't check myself out either. I might have left the hotdog if I had to do that
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
15 May
I don't like automated cashiers. Some stores have had to go back to real cashiers after so many complaints and people not wanting to check out their own purchases. Have a good day.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 May
That's how they know what your spending your $ on & how much you spend everyday, & there's nothing we can do about it till it comes to voting & maybe even that can't change the way things are going.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 May
@Ghostlady Your are SO RIGHT about that & to be honest I HOPE & PRAY that will change.
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• United States
15 May
Not only will they know what you spend your money on..eventually they will have control over what you buy..they will be able to shut down your account if you don't do what they want you to do, or don't go along with their agenda. They have quietly and steadily almost reached their goal..and like the frog in the pot..the water is getting really really warm...we need to Jump before it is too late.
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
15 May
I have never found an automatic cashier here, sometimes some cashiers are found to have entered the wrong item code so the price is very high than the actual price.
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• United States
16 May
I check my receipt before I leave the store..if I find a problem, I go find a mgr or go to the service desk. It has to be more than $1 before I will waste my time. I bought 2 sports bras. The sign said BOGO free. She charged for BOTH of them. I found a manager and showed him the sign. Got my money back. Now days, if it says BOGO for something over $1...I take a picture of the sign.
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 May
That does not sound good for my anxiety, I would be worried something could got wrong and then I could not get what I needed, Not good at all,
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@dya80dya (35542)
15 May
I agree with you. They want to force us to not pay in cash. If we want to pay in cash we need to pay an extra fee. I wonder why we should be forced to use digital money.
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• United States
16 May
To know what we are buying...to keep track of what we earn so we pay taxes on EVERYTHING we earn.Wondering what will happen when we are Totally Digital..how will we have Yard Sales? Or sell anything that we sell/trade now days.
• Ogden, Utah
15 May
I agree about digital money. I think by the time my youngest grandchild is 18 she won't know what actual money even looks like. As far as the self check out, in my area it's either use self check out or wait in line for 30-45 minutes, so I guess I'm saving myself a lot of aggravation and time by using the self check out. I would like to see that we are offered something for being our own cashier, bagger and money handler, but I don't think we will ever see that.
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