A severe storm is going to hit Bengal tomorrow

May 25, 2024 6:27am CST
According to weather forecast a severe storm is going to originate from Bay of Bengal and hit land areas. Parts of Orissa, West Bengal and Bangladesh will be affected. These places will get a lot of rain also.
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6 responses
@ptrikha_2 (46171)
• India
25 May
I hope the storm won't impact Kolkata too much. However on a positive note, the rains would help you cope with the extreme heat. Here, we would still be braving extreme heat for at least a week more.
@ptrikha_2 (46171)
• India
27 May
@sathviksouvik Yes and it is going to impact Bangladesh as well and could bring heavy rains.
@ptrikha_2 (46171)
• India
28 May
@sathviksouvik I hope that people in Kolkata are safe and protected from the effects of flooding.
@grenery8 (5901)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 May
i hope for no floods and that it was a mild storm. i hate accidents.
26 May
thanks Greenery I also hope the same
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@grenery8 (5901)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 May
@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
26 May
Same here but not severe
26 May
thanks Aubrey the name of the storm is Remal
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 May
Oh dear. That might mean flooding and landslides but I truly hope not.
26 May
thanks Judy there might be floods and heavy rains
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• China
25 May
It's also raining here, it's in the northeast of China, far from Bangladesh in the south
26 May
thanks Zhang ok it is fine as long as there are no floods
• China
26 May
@sathviksouvik There are currently no floods yet.We rarely have floods here
@HaruLoid (1594)
• Philippines
26 May
Our weather today is partly sunny with strong gusty winds, but the weather forecast said there will be a storm coming also in the next few weeks or so.
26 May
thanks May for the weather update
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