Why do men have nipples i am also including male animals?

United States
December 27, 2006 11:17am CST
Why do men have nipples i am also including male animals?
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22 responses
@Mikaelo (191)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
Mr. Yael Agbayani...asking about why men have nipples huh? Dude, do you still remember me? Way back our PREP days in Lourdes School? Michael Magsino here...and I think we (men) have nipples in order for women to nibble on. lol. (^_^)
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jan 07
Syempre naman! I remember you. We are classmates and schoolbus mates before. How can I forget you, I used to come over to your house back then when we are just little knuckleheads. Man, you have given the most terrible response here in this discussion. Hahaha Joke lang! Geh, pare ingats na lang. Magsino Tocino! hehe geh dude, kamusta mo na lang ako sa mga lordesian friends natin. I'm here in iraq, serving for the U.S. Arm Forces. Putangina ni Bush! Ipag-dasal niyo na lang ako. hahaha Geh!
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@Mikaelo (191)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
Haha...I'm glad you still remember me. Wow! Now come to think of it...sundalo ang loko. But sadly, you're not serving for our country...hehe. It's ok. At least mas maganda naman ata ang mga benfits mo dyan! Hehe.
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• Philippines
9 Jan 07
its a crazy question.
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• United States
17 Jan 07
You think that this is a crazy question. It's an interesting question, don't you think. I think it's a very good question for people that are very curious and wanted to know the what's and how's in this world. I think you have a crazy response too. That's not an answer the question.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 07
Men get easily bored playing with their mamas. Another diversion...discussing something that isn't female's.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
Nipples is a part of the body for lactation.
• United States
17 Jan 07
So, do you mean that. Men has the ability to lactate?
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• Philippines
1 Jan 07
it's because men are mammals. a mammal embryo inherit 'female template' from their mother. it means you also have everything that a female does, except that some were changed because of your male genes. so don't be surprised if one day you'll start producing milk!!! :)
@ladygam (562)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
If nature decides to mess things up, men will have lactating hormones, too. And that's when you'll start producing milk! ;)
@chryss (658)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
speaking of nipples,that is one part of human body.why it so?because god gave or created it for human like woman they have also.its not good to see if man do not have that nipples lol!
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• Philippines
17 Feb 07
hey you got nipples too??? i got nipples too, look the pigs got many??? why do humans have 2 nipples and some anials got many ?
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• Philippines
14 Jan 07
they're mammals. it's just because of hormonal differences that men's are different from that of women's.
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• Philippines
10 Mar 07
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• Philippines
20 Jan 07
Yah!!! That a very good question... But honestly i don't the answer maybe in men hormones including the male animals... Why don't you try to ask a doctor or animal doctor... Or search in the internet or read a book about that...
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• India
20 Jan 07
first temme y do women have nipples? coz majority of d females give artificial milk to their kids. So they 2 dont need them.
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• United States
22 Feb 07
For pleasure. If women know how to do it then you're lucky. And to look normal I guess.
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@mnemonic (19)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
if men don't have nipples, no one can be able to lick them or even make an arousal feeling.
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• Philippines
17 Feb 07
niples? enough . . this one...why do men have eggs??? hehehe . have you ever thought of that?
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• Philippines
16 Feb 07
it has something to with your chromosomes, hormones etc. nature has a way to make things fair hehe =)
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• Philippines
13 Mar 07
ALL mammals Do...unless of course if you are not a mammal....Wonder more when you dont have at least one...hahaahahhahaha you might wonder if you are hatched from an egg....(technically we all came from eggs)hahhahahahhaa kidding!
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
It doesn't look good. I thinks it's part of your evolution so it grows when you female and not if your male.
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@cyfernet (2383)
• United States
19 Jan 07
men would look strange if they didn't have nipples. once u start to build muscles, the nipples give something extra to ur exterior
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• India
18 Jan 07
well the torso remains the same its just that that particular area of girls changes a little
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@ladygam (562)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
Why do you have eyes? lol
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@rovenn (69)
• Philippines
14 Jan 07
hi there,men are considered as mammals and it is Darwin who proposed that male mammals, once share the job of providing milk for their youngs.That's a thing i know. but someone had said that its just a story because there is no way to test its validity,if u wanna know who said that and know detailed study why do men have nipples including male animals, u could find it on anatomy note dated last february 13, 2006.
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• Philippines
18 Jan 07
Yeah, it's really a good question. Maybe men have nipples because they belong to the mammal family:)
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• Canada
18 Oct 11
get some gynexin for swollen or puffy nipples http://buy-gynexin.com