lady drummers?

@maxxine (610)
January 31, 2007 8:09am CST
is it cool to see a lady banging on the drums?? well im a drummer and lots of people get shocked whenever i tell em i am one.. but for me its really cool! how bout for you?
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19 responses
@hijas007 (1386)
• India
6 Feb 07
cool.i always like drummer.i though that it is not meant for woman.but you really make me long you are playing drums.are you a professional?did you do any show.i am from India and we have an excellent drummer here named "sivamani".he is really good in percussion!
@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
ive been playing the drumz since 1998... currently i play at a bar here.. :)
@Commerce (646)
• India
6 Feb 07
Fantastic! A lady beating the drums is not a new thing... but it depends on where you live. If you live in a place where such things are rare,, then people will be shocked to see you beating the drums. But if you are in a metropolitan city, its another story.
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@Commerce (646)
• India
7 Feb 07
Only three in the whole City? that strange! And you are one of them. You probably know how to play very well. Thats very good of you. You should try to promote your skill by organazing live concerts, shows, etc. Good once !!!
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
yah so far ive only seen two other lady drummers here...i dont know if der are others in the making still.. hmmmmmm me? play well? hmmmmmmm i once won a best drummer award in one of the contests my band joined in heheheh
@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
well here in Zamboanga City.. ive only seen 3 lady drummers here so far..
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@signum (545)
• Australia
10 Feb 07
Maxxine, check out
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
yeah i checked it out thanks.....
@sidoney (1033)
• Jamaica
18 Apr 07
wow that kool I've always wanted to learn the piano but i love the drum got some lessons from an ex once
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
awwwwww i learned playin the drums coz one of my exez taught me ...... heheehe
@Commerce (646)
• India
13 Feb 07
I would love to be a drummer too.:) Now your topic has touched me somehow:P
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
18 Apr 07
hehe. try practicing playin the drumz., its fun.....
• Philippines
23 Apr 07
Lady drummers are normal these days. But someone who can do blast beats and double pedals would be cool. Only she would be sweating a lot and that's a little uncool. Hehehe... May myspace ba yung band mo maxinne?
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
wala eh... friendster meron....
@pitstop (13106)
• India
7 Feb 07
The christian band that my friends formed has a lady drummer and she rocks! She also plays the drums every sunday at church and noones surprised, although at some concerts some people are a little surprised to see a girl behind the drums... and that is till she starts drumming and their jaws drop!! I stay in India!!! I think its cool!
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
yeah same thing here... hehehe there was a time when this certain guy handed me a flower while i was playing and he was like shouting "IDOL!!!!!!!" hehehehe
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
I think lady drummers are really cool. Diana Freese of Junior Kilat, Ria Bautista of Paramita, to name just a few. Plus, girls behind drum kits really look cute.
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
naks thats true hehehe :)
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@hopeful28 (1439)
• Singapore
31 Jan 07
I think there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, I would love to have the opportunity to learn drumming too - yes, I am a lady.
@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
cool... :) its really easy if ure really interested to learn..
• United States
6 Feb 07
I think that's awesome. In fact, I need a drummer. Wanna rock? Personally, it doesn't matter to me if a musician is male or female - so long as the music is good - I can dig it. Do you have a way of recording yourself? If so, maybe I could lay down rhythm & lead guitar tracks on it to make a song. You can listen to me play on MySpace. The link to my artist page is in my profile. But I warn you - my tunes are warped & twisted just like I am. ;0)
@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
eheheeh... nice
@makaira (1158)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
i find lady drummers really cool! it has always been my dream to learn how to play the drums but i never had the chance. keep it going girl. only few are given the chance to be one. cheers!
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
yeah thanks girl hehehe
• United States
10 Feb 07
At my high school there were a couple of other girl drummers (one of whom was far better than me), so it wasn't so weird that I played the drums. I also live in a really progressive city where it's not uncommon to see girl drummers. There are still quite a few people, though, who are surprised when I tell them I used to play! I'd like to get a drumset and get my skills back, but I'm a poor college student.
@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
nice girl u rock.. just go out and use ur talent to the fullest..
• United States
8 Feb 07
A really good girl drummer is Sheila E. check her out on youtube she rocks
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
yah i will check it out heehhehe :)
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• Philippines
10 Feb 07
yes ofcourse it's just ok for a lady to be a drummer. my sister also plays the drums, and whenever we go to gigs in ortigas and eastwood libis here in the philippines it never fails that men approach her and ask her where did she learn to rock on like what she always does. it's really a very easy way to attract men. lol.
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
nice heheheh masaya!!! ehhehehe wanna mit ur sister jam kmi ehhehee
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
that is great, actually i admire girls on drums. do you know valley of chrome, when they were just starting they have girl on drums. actually girls on drums this day is not that surpricing since i have seen so many rock bands that have girl on guitar, drummer, and bassist.
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• Indonesia
15 Feb 07
i agree with you.. i loved to see the female on drums.. like a band " matt and kim " cool to see women can playing drum ..
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@badreligi (224)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 07
wow, you must be have a cool stylish. I have some friends who are lady drummer. They are so cool, because not many drummers a girl. Do you play double bit also ?
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@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
hmmmmm i also play the wood drum coz we also play in an acoustic bar.. im still learning double beat and im kinda learning hehehe
@Nyenye05 (130)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Yeah it is!!! I see a strong women when I see a lady drummer. Beyonce had a all ladies band when she went to the BET awards and played Daja Vu. They were good and unique. I give you your props and keep on drummin!!^^
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@Commerce (646)
• India
19 Apr 07
oh i wish i have a girl who can play drums!! i like girls playing the drum and wow.. ofcourse guitar too.!!!
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