I got my first payment in mylot, Cheers!!!

@xiongqh (791)
Hong Kong
February 9, 2007 8:37pm CST
Yesterday, I got my first payment in mylot. For me, it is big money, I never earn so much money online, I am very happy, Cheers!!!I make about 500 post and get $22, so good, I will keep hard working to get more money here. My friends, don't stop, just keep posting here, you also can get big money!!
3 people like this
9 responses
@hafiz74 (268)
• Malaysia
28 Feb 07
Congratulation... I will work hard to increase my earning. Hope so MyLot will pay me...
@gahsoon (187)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 07
Hi, congrats on the eraning! 500posts for $22!? wow I am a newbie who signed up for only 72 hours and made 20+ posts... it seems a long way for me. Anyway would you mind share your way of earning? such as what type of posts you do or which is your moust popular discussion?
@HimArticles (1137)
• India
10 Feb 07
Hi, You are doing very well and $22 from 500 post is very good average per post. You have slightly high rate than me. I have not worked in Jan due to some reasons but I also got my first payment from mylog. During my two months I have learnt here that if we post regularly, sufficient number of post per day and specially good quality and descriptive type post/responses yields good earning. Thank you for sharing your earnings with us.
@greengal (4286)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Congrats Xiong, you've done a great job!:)
@pizzoli (3366)
• Italy
10 Feb 07
me too i receive my payment today less than you i have to wotk harder than you...
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
Really!!!! Oh my gosh.... That's great, congrats i'm really happy for you... Keep it up my friend you will earn a lot... You know what my total mylot earnings was only $0.24 until now...
@harxian (671)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
congrats girl you made a great job!i see posts that they get there payment from mylot it really proves that mylot really pays hope to get mine soon i was inspired to put some more efforts here in mylot so that i can get also my payment soon^^
@ashumit02 (818)
• United States
10 Feb 07
That's Great acheievement you have done .I have read some where that the payment is done on 14 or 15 th of the month .But as you said this is different day .So this line i don't really understand that .
@mkeanel01 (974)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
wow..that's nice for you..up to now im still not qualify for my fisrt payment..and im still hoping that i will be qualify for payment..im working hard..