depression is really bad

@jpp555 (35)
February 18, 2007 4:00am CST
very often very small matter puts me in depression like situation and then probloms start. can any one classify reasons of deression and how to avoide situations which ultimately cause depression.
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6 responses
• Romania
18 Feb 07
Many people think that positive thinking might be the key. It doesn't really work for me. It's not enought to think positive. The causes of depression can be numerous (it depends). Some people get depressed easier than others. I think that the important thing is to eliminate the cause and if u cannot do that you must find ways to ignore the them. For example when i don't feel to good i listen to music, take walks and friends can really help you.
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
i totally agree, i tried that too, but it didnt change a thing or made me feel good whenever i force myself to think positive and don't think of the worst or bad things, i sometimes find myself having negative thoughts about things that i shouldnt really worry about, i just prepare myself for the worst, i know its not healthy but being disappointed by expecting things to go out or work out my way when it doesnt, will not help me otherwise, so i might as well expect the reality of life that if good things come out from something i did, then im thankful but if it's the other way around, atleast i prepared myself for it...
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
21 Oct 10
Well for depression, medicines are not solution. Do Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.
@simran1430 (1790)
• India
26 Feb 07
yes , it is surely bad but not something that cannot be treated ,so do one thing is meditation and yoga , for depression they are the best available cures and after only ten days you will start feeling better and will also forget that you ever had ay depression sort of thing .
@lsen06 (4998)
• India
18 Feb 07
yes, it is very bad . i have the same situation also.i also eager to know the remedy.
@nancyrowina (3850)
18 Feb 07
Exercise is very good for lifting depression something like Yoga is a think that helps your mind as well as your body, or just walking would help. If you feel really depressed your doctor can help go and see them there are some excellent medications that have been made in the past few years better than prozac etc.
@bluegem (174)
• Dominican Republic
27 Feb 07
JPP... Depression occurs when when we worry too much over things we have no control over. My advice to you is that you put God at the controls and he will take care of your problems. That way you never have to worry because you'd know that He always does what's best for you and I. Trust Him and let it go!