Talking to yourself?

@fedge098 (1330)
February 19, 2007 11:04pm CST
Every once in a while, we find our selves in silence. After some more time, we then, find our selves talking... TO OURSELVES. This happened to me, I just realized I was talking alone and speaking of my plans in life. How about you? Have you done this? What are the things you were saying to yourself? It's not crazy but this is true, right?
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33 responses
• India
20 Feb 07
hehehehe.... that sounds funny... and i am laughing like anything,..... you know why ...simple..i used to think that I am the only one crazy in this whole world... but no atleast I have one more friend.... (no offence please)Hey friend, I too talk a lot to mahself.... infact I talk the most with mahself only... and by the time now I really love it... why? Coz i am most comfortable with myself... its not that I am an introvert, or I dont go out and dont meet people -- but then after meeting the whole world, I find myself a unique blend of everything -- I do get compliments from the ppl that I am god in so many things and that my thoughts, deeds and actions are really good, but then I don't find people accoring to my thoughts -- according to my needs.... and so I prefer myself -- I guess I am not doing anything wrong.... Many a times I refer to myself like this -- "Hey Ketan why are you not studying, don't you know that your xams are near-- its better you get lost from here and get down to the books" -- hey you people stop laughing on me now.... Well I really love talking to myself and that is something I enjoy too... So do I have another crazy partner with myself....?
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@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
way the go, friend! keep on talking!!! ^_^
• Brazil
20 Feb 07
Yes, sometimes i start talking with myself making plans on what i will do tomorrow or later at the day, and i'm just talking alone, i do most of this when i'm in shower, or don't got nothing to do... Sometimes i also start talking with myself on what i will need to do to something work or something like.. It's weird haha :)
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@fianne (1057)
• United States
20 Feb 07
yes really... i always do that.
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@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
hmmm... maybe you should try talking to your baby about anything you say whenever you feel like talking... ^_^
@miryam (6505)
• Italy
20 Feb 07
Ever.I live alone, always I speek myself, or whith my dog...for me is normal,but my dog not respomde :)
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@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
i guess you need to find someone to talk to before it gets worse! lol!
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I talk to myself all the time. I talk to the computer, to my cat, to the TV... there's no need to sit in silence when you can fill it up. besides, vocalizing thoughts helps me keep everything organized. Or if I'm working through something in my mind, vocalizing it often makes it clearer. I also talk out loud to myself if I'm giving myself a pep-talk.
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@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
Well, most of the times now, at work, I find myself talking in front of my computer. Analyzing issues and matters allowed makes me hear what I'm saying and thinking. I helps me at work actually. ^_^
• United States
20 Feb 07
lol, i do that samething...but I do it and be crazy with I might talk to myself and inanimate objects but that's a habit of nature....Sometimes u just have to say things outloud to fill like anything is getting done
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I have found myself talking to myself sometimes. Mainly when I am happy or mad. I am home by myself alot and only have the doggie to talk to. Sometimes I will talk out loud so I can remember things better. I also talk to the dog sometimes just to give him attention. My husband and my daughter are away during the day so it leaves me alot of free time on my hands.
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@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
at least you have a way to express yourself whenever you're alone. good for you. ^_^
@nishanity (1650)
• India
21 Feb 07
i talk to myself all the time and i dont need to be alone for tht!! i have always found, the hard way, that the best listener was myself... no one was willing to listen to anything i said but me!! so i talked to myself... my mom has caught me doing it several times!! and she said she wud take me to the shrink if she ever caught me doing tht!! i dint think it was some sort of mental disease... is it?
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• India
20 Feb 07
Its not crazy. I too feel this but a bit differently. I sometimes find myself gazing one single thing or point for quite sometimes and then i feel like looking every details of the point. This sometimes help me concentrate too.
@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
well, i find it effective back in my schooldays... i studied quite effectively. ^_^
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I do not talk to myself as much as I know some of you does.. ahha... but I also find myslelf doing it every once in a while, speciall when I am either watching something hilarious in the tv, or maybe reading a funny joke from my email, I would end up laughing and saying comments to myself. hahah! Yeah i sound stupid at times, but hey it was funny and I needed to comment and just so happen that nobody's around ahaha!!!
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• United States
20 Feb 07
Oh, yeah, I do this alot. Mostly just saying what I'm thinking outloud. Sometimes I'm not completely aware that I'm doing it. MOre than once at work, I have suddenly realized there someone in the room with me when I thought I was alone, and I am not sure if I have been talking to myself or not! Sometimes, I will just ask the person if I was and then try to explain it, to demonstrate that I still have some sense of reality. Luckily, I work in a profession that is more tolerant of "wierdos" so I think no one really even notices when I do this. :-)
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@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
same as mine. i work in a place where people think aloud when analyzing problems and scenarios.
• Sweden
20 Feb 07
It's not crazy, it's natural. I talk to myself every now and then, when I'm bored or when I just feel like talking. My mom and grandma talks to themselves a lot too, I've noticed.
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@rlshaw (871)
• United States
21 Feb 07
yep your just kidding... I talk to myself all the time... Usually when i'm mad about something .. I vent to myself.. at least I will listen..hhehehe
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@mayamaya (41)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
it's not crazy, not at all! i think everyone does, at some point. and i think it's healthy. helps you a lot. especially during down times when you have no one to talk to... or you just decided to analyze what you're going through.
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@em1040 (159)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
i talk to myself when im in the car, in the bathroom, in front of the computer. i dont know i just do. im not crazy or anything. im having a conversation with myself =)
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• India
20 Feb 07
yes its natural to talk with ourself, n not even only in silence, we talk mostly whenever we think alot of any matter.. i also talk with myself.. whenever i go out, watch tv, sit on pc, listen music, whtever o watch listen from others, mostly talk wth myself abt tht experiences..n its all natural....
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• Pakistan
20 Feb 07
Well I do that all the time and I am not ashamed to admit it. Infact it has helped me to make difficult decisions in life. I am my own best friend because whatever secrets you tell to yourself you can keep them but in a case of a friend, it is just a matter of time and circumstances that the secret gets out. I have had a lot of experience in this so I know what I am talking about. I also debate with myself too because it helps me look at things with two different perspectives
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@mixey62 (305)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I do this all the time. I have a high-stress job in downtown Boston which I commute to and from by walking. Usually you can see me walking home swearing under my breath about my day. It must be a funny sight for other passer-bys. The worst is when you talk to yourself or about yourself when others can hear you and you have no control over it- like when you're sleeping. I often tell my boyfriend stories about things that I don't even recall the next morning- thank goodness he has a good sense of humor about these things.
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• Nigeria
20 Feb 07
Its true that we sometime find ourselves talking even when we dont speak out but we do talk within our minds.So talking is always a must, and we do it without taking account of what we do or sometime to consule ourselves or to put our mind set in the right direction.Talking to our selves depends on the situation we find ourselves,though we may be talking in a positive or negetive manner,most importantly we just feel we talk.
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@newtopwin (103)
• China
20 Feb 07
when i was along,i always talk to myself.everyday i need a certain time to stay along talk with myself.i think it is very naturely.many problem will solved in the time of taking myself,and i made my schedma ,aome times i'll get very wondful insprition .
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• Canada
20 Feb 07
I talk to myself quite often, it helps me think things through. My train of thought bounces around so often that if someone overhears me they usually have no idea what I'm talking about. It's when I start mumbling to myself that people leave me alone because they know I'm really mad about something.