Does mylot delete a discussion if such a discussion already exist in it?

@ackars (1942)
April 3, 2007 10:09am CST
I ve been in mylot for about 20 days...I seriously dont know if mylot delete a discussion if a discussion very similar to that already exist...I ve seen an option of sinilar discussions under every discussion..But none of them were that similar to the above one.If the discussion is similar to one already exists,do you loose your points and money?Does it puts a negative marking???
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4 responses
• United States
3 Apr 07
Generally not. If it looks like you copied and pasted your discussion from someone else, then it might be deleted. People often have the same idea for a discussion and it's not a big deal that two similar discussions are started at the same time, or even right after.
@ackars (1942)
• India
3 Apr 07
Thanks lot...I ve started many discussions and have later found out that there are many discussions which are very similar to got scared if mylot will rate mine as negative...
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@oarnamav (2708)
• India
3 Apr 07
No, mylot won't delete your discussion if it's little bit similar in nature to the other but if it's a total copy of you own discussion or if it's exactly the same topic but just been manipulated by you by playing with few word then it's possible that your discussion may get deleted. If your discussion found to be a spam or a copy paste from other mylot member or from internet then also your discussion would get deleted. Some times by mistake when you hit "post response a window as preview response takes the place of post response and you think that your discussion has not been sent and in case you hit back to this preview response button then your same discussion gets uploaded twice; and in this case your one of the copy would be dekleted. Of course this being the software error it happens to so many in the beginning. If your discussion is reported as an abuse by some user and if that is true will definitly get deleted. In short any violation in the discussion guidelines results into the deletion. For this I think you should read the do's & don't's in mylot ones again. You also have to go through the discussion guidelines I think. I am just adding the links for your convenience here. About discussion guidelines Wishing you all the best and a lot of pleasure in mylot.
@nicolec (2671)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I don't think so unless they were started by the same person. I have seen identical discussions started by the same user, usually one right after another. I think it's usually some computer glitch. So they might delete one of those. Which is why I never respond to those, because if it does get deleted, my response goes with it. But generally they will only delete discussions that are against the mylot terms of service.
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@jamie622 (508)
• India
3 Apr 07
I don't think so . the reason I say so is because people have been reporting in discussions their discovery of repeat discussions . If mylot deletes them then they would not find them . I don't think that mylot has the technical ability to do it . Because that would require it to compare the new discussion with every discussion that has previously existed on mylot . I think running such algorithms would be impractical on such scale .