hide and seek

April 5, 2007 8:35am CST
playing hide and seek with my 3 year old is hillarious. she always hides in the same spot and usually in plain view. as long as her face is hidden she thinks i can't see her. then when it's my turn to hide, she says that's a good hiding place and she'll get in there and say ok go count. i'm like you have to find a different spot i allready know where you are. it's so funny.
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8 responses
• United States
5 Apr 07
My three year old son actually does hide, but his giggling give him away. He thinks it's terribly funny that he's hiding, and thinks he's going to get away with it, so he erupts into giggle fits. All I have to do is follow my ears. It's never my turn to hide, though. He won't let me. I think he has a little too much fun hiding and giggling, and squealing once I find him. They are truly adorable at this age!
• Canada
5 Apr 07
my daughter does that too. she giggles so much and it's not hard to find her.
5 Apr 07
I used to find hide and seek the most hilarious game ever. I remember a few years ago on a very drunken night me and my sister were left in my friends house while the two boys went to get more vodka. He shared the flat with 2 other guys and when they came back we were hiding. My sister hid down the back of a bed and I hid under a table behind a curtain and when they came back they believed we had gone home. We could hear them genuinely disappointed. My sister got stuck down the back of the bad and I cut my hand on something trying to crawl back out. SO so funny
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
5 Apr 07
That is so funny and cute. My daughter used to do the same thing. she would go and hide and you could see her in plain view. She would cover her eyes up and she thought since she couldn't see us, we couldn't see her either. She would want me and my husband to go hide and she would finally find us after giving her a few hints. She would then hide in our same spot and we knew exactly where she was. It was funny and cute.
• United States
5 Apr 07
that is so cute and funny. i cant wait until my son gets the idea of playing hide and seek. he is too young still. right now i am trying to get him to understand what it is to hide though. he is only 17 months old so i "hide" his toys where he can find them very easily. maybe hes smarter than i give him credit for. i take his elmo and put it under a pillow with the entire leg sticking out. then i ask him to find elmo. he laughs and pulls him out. he is also like your 3 year old when it comes to hiding though. when i pull a shirt over his head i ask him "where are you?" and he laughes when he pops his head out of the hole. kids are sooo funny!
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
5 Apr 07
i love kids at that age my grandson just turned 3 last week...they are so much fun my kids would always hide in the closet...they would tell each other shhhhhh so loud that they were awfully easy to find...
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@srktiger (108)
• India
5 Apr 07
hahaha is really nice to hear that you are enjong with your kid. i am sure she also enjoying the most i her life. please make some video of her plays and show it to her when she is 18 i am she will say i lived in an heaven
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@Connie1013 (1098)
• United States
10 Apr 07
At least you can find her. Kids can be very tricky. ;) When TEresa was little probally around 3, we played. I ran down to find her. I couldn't. Dear hubby had left front door ajar and I freaked. We searched and searched. Right before calling the police, I saw 3 little fingers sticking out of the computer CPU door. She was sound asleep. The next time I lost her, I knew just where to look first.
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
Aren't kids amazing? My 4 year old boy always wears his Superman costumes and pretends to fly! He lifts up things and he expects me to cheer! One time, he lifted up the toilet bowl cover and asked me how super can he get! I was laughing in my stomach while saying "So, super! You're my hero!".
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