Dena Miller
@Dena91 (15955)
United States
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Born again Christian, married to Mike since 1991, fur parents to B and G, loves US history, traveling the US when able, reading, watching old tv shows

Dena Miller's Likes

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Went to the mailbox...
Dena Miller liked this  3h
5/19/24 - Meals
Dena Miller liked this  3h
Cancelled for today
Dena Miller liked this  3h
HaHa I Like It!
Dena Miller liked this  3h
At last!
Dena Miller liked this  3h
What a Shock!
Dena Miller liked this  3h
Went to the mailbox...
Dena Miller liked this  3h
Summer Storm
Dena Miller liked this  3h
The Sirens Are Going Off