Judy Evans
@JudyEv (326100)
Rockingham, Australia
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Hi there. My husband, Vince, and I live in a gated lifestyle village in Western Australia. One adult son lives in Melbourne, Victoria and the other in Ireland.

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A gift for us
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A gift for us
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A gift for us
Judy Evans liked this  17h
A gift for us
Judy Evans liked this  17h
A gift for us
Judy Evans liked this  17h
A gift for us
Judy Evans liked this  17h
A gift for us
Judy Evans liked this  17h
Judy Evans liked this  17h
Hubs is Happy
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Happy new month.
Judy Evans liked this  17h
He’s off again.
Judy Evans liked this  17h
The Horse arrested again!
Judy Evans liked this  17h
Driver-less Semi Trucks?