Renovate your House, Get Marry and ?

@ahnah69 (141)
May 8, 2007 4:26am CST
First, you get a parnter first before talking about anything. 1) Then go to Registry of Marriage 2) Hunt for a flat (with help from Agent) 3) Hunt for a contractor (from Renovation forum, friends, relative) 4) Hunt for a wedding organiser or DIY 5) What is next ? Have few honeymoon before have baby ? What is your next plan ?
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6 responses
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
8 May 07
ha ha ha... this is usually followed by a honeymoon. How lavish will depending on how much is left after all the wedding expenses. :lol: then after that will be a short period for recuperating vitamin M, and then if a small bundle comes along, another long bleed of vitamin M. :lol:
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
8 May 07
nope... still planning for photoshoot... then the selection of photo process... then the wedding in m'sia, then the wedding in s'pore... then... only then can we sit and think about the honey moon :heh: a lot of things hor?
• Singapore
8 May 07
ahgong u went honeymoon liao?
• Singapore
8 May 07
yeah..... always like tat one..... worse is u need to held twice.... lucky i did that in one go..... ROM & Customary on the same day..... same quite a bit actually
@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
8 May 07
depends on how old you are when get married lor. then whether you and partner intend to have babies at all. then whether got enough time to take care of baby (for at least 12 yrs?). whether enough money to have baby. whether got people to help you look after. whether you trust having a maid bring up your kids. always nice to have some time to cement the marriage before the life-changing events of kids, i think. also more convenient to travel before kids. and cheaper ha ha ha ha.
@ahnah69 (141)
• Singapore
8 May 07
how old.. not young anymore. 30++ already. Enough time ? I guess for Singaporean, where got enough time like USA ppl. Money always not enough. Ppl to help ? Got $ got ppl, no $ no ppl. No Trust, dun worry got ADT and CCTV or Pinhole camera. A family without a children is incomplete.
• Singapore
8 May 07
having kids not oni waste a lot of vit M... oso will waste vit E (Engery and Effort)
• Singapore
8 May 07
so ah nah got kid? iamnot got no kid correct? well, money depends on expectations. those with lower income manage too. in fact they have more children and can cope with simple lifestyle. sometimes with lower expectations can lead simple but happy life. all about being content lah....
• Kuwait
23 Oct 07
And enjoy the time together.Help each other to grow and be more matured person. save money for the future. Have kids If God will permit. And to grow old happy together.
@iamnot (8)
• Singapore
8 May 07
Have to eepay all the debts before thinking of the next move.
@ahnah69 (141)
• Singapore
8 May 07
If House Loan is 30 years, Reno loan is 10 Years and by then you already 40++ how to plan ?
• Singapore
8 May 07
hse loan using CPF, so is ok..... reno loan i left with 5k and will take another year to repay all... so next project (BB) can starts after that
@ahnah69 (141)
• Singapore
8 May 07
5k only. That is very little. I still have 30K, with 10 years loan. BB Plan had to prepare around 10k in advance.
@zeny01 (2)
• Singapore
8 May 07
I thought the trend is 1) find a partner 2) get a house 3) renovate 4) rom 5) customary for those need to 6) honeymoon 7) clear debts then tok abt BB :p
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
8 May 07
debts will never be cleared as long as you get a house. it is a matter of how you manage it that counts. BB can be planned. Money can be earned... it is how we managed our life that matters. Once a person commits himself/herself to marriage, priorities changes! ;)
@ahnah69 (141)
• Singapore
9 May 07
by then how old already ? Cannot wait for too long.
• Singapore
9 May 07
There's all this motherhood talk in the papers lately. cos mother's day is coming up. Makes me even more sure that I'm totally not prepared right now. Funny thing is, I always thought I would become a mum. And thought I would look forward to becoming one. But the responsibility has sunk in. now that it's actually a possibility. It's such a big change!! Recent sharing from friends who have become mums haven't really helped. cos they all seem a bit traumatised. Happy, yes, but very tired and overwhelmed! Not sure I'm ready for my life to completely change like that.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
13 Oct 07
have been pondering if i should reply to this discussion for the longest time since i dun fall into the first category i.e. get a partner. :p so naturally it follows that i dun go to ROM, dun have wedding and no honeymoon for me, not to mention baby. i got my flat with my parents as my essential occupier. although i have a partner, there's no plan to 'certify' the relationship with a piece of paper. think i'm quite lucky to only have the housing loan to repay didn't borrow money for renovation coz i didn't do much for renovation. now is buy what i need when i have the money :p next step for me, guess it's to save enough money. to either buy a car or use it to get a second place. a small one to rent out for residual income. but that's a dream lah, so crossing my fingers that i'll be able to save that kind of money :p
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
23 Oct 07
that is actually a very good plan! I wished that I had done my planning much much earlier. Then now pocket won't be so tight. It is good that you are actually planning your finances early. Best to do it before you even go into a relationship. Then by the time you get your own little place, there is more allowance/buffer for your expenses. I am glad I did a little planning before. And that I have a lot of people helping me out during my turn. ;)
• Singapore
23 Oct 07
guess i've decided long ago that i won't have children to depend on when i'm old. so the financial planning was natural for me. actually i still think i've started too late. should have started when i was schooling and save the salary from my part-time jobs. maybe by now i would have been able to afford a second place. but no, i had to go squander them away. so now have to save doubly hard so that i can retire according to planning.