Which kind of phone do you like best ?

@dfollin (24306)
United States
July 17, 2007 9:53pm CST
Which do you like,a regular landline phone with a cord,a cordless phone or a cell phone? With me it is between a cordless landline phone or a cell.I like having a cell the best because I can take it anywhere.But,I am not happy with the price.
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15 responses
• United States
18 Jul 07
I prefer my cell phone. I use it more than my landline. I really don't even use my landline phone. I'm even thinking of just having it shut off.
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@dfollin (24306)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I want to get a better cell phone ith a better service,buy it is going to cost more.So,I called the phone company and they said that if I do change my phone to basic service or disconnect it will cost me $150 and I will have to pay a higher price for my other services.The other services I have is the cable and internet.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
18 Jul 07
At the moment it would have to be our cordless phone. Even though we do have a cellphone I am finding it more expensive to operate than a landline. I am going to look into another plan soon.
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@dfollin (24306)
• United States
18 Jul 07
Iam going to look into another plan also.Right now I have a pre payed monthly plan thru Virgin Mobile and they messed up and said that the only way they could fix it was to give me a refund and that takes 72 hours and during that time I would have to pay for each minute at 18 cent's each! So,now I have run out of minutes and am having to pay $4.40 for each 20 minutes I use and this is until August 3rd.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
19 Jul 07
I prefer the cordless land line- I have a cell phone also- but the reception in my area is not that great- I have to go outside of my house to make a call- Also the price is a lot higher than my landline bill- But it is for emergencies- so it’s all good- Can’t take your landline cordless with you in the car and on the road- so both phones are great!
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
18 Jul 07
I have a cord phone, a cordless phone, and a cell phone. We have not used the first one for a while. It is stuck down in our basement and will probably be put there for emergencies. I prefer a cell phone because I can have it with me all the time, but we need the cordless. I do not want to get telemarketing calls on my cell phone so I plan to give the number only to my family and friends Yes, it's the price. All those little costs add up. I am just on the basic plan but if I were to get all the other additions, it might run me over $100 a month before talking.
• India
18 Jul 07
I like to have cellphone, because I can take it anywhere, except in examination halls and for its sleekness. Yeah, price does pinch me. I don't like to invest much in cellphone, am happy if the purpose for a cellphone is served.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I like my cell phone. I am seriously thinking about having my land line turned off. Though it may mean the only time I can get on line is at work. But I may have no choice since my 18 year old daughter ran my bill up to $400 over the last few months.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I could kiss whoever invented the cordless phone. I am lost without my cordless. I hate being hooked up to a cord anymore. I like to move around while I am on the phone. I also have a prepay cell phone. I like having the prepay, I don't use the cell phone that much, only my family has the number.
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@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
18 Jul 07
Hi. Well I too like a cell phone, not only because it can be taken any where but now a days they are not just the phones that you use to make calls and receive calls but they are "do it all" gadgets. They really help you to be connected all around and you can spend some time with them too. It seems that you are really demanding, I mean now a days, there are so many cell phone in all price ranges, how can you still be not satisfied.
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@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
I have a prepaid landline phone and a cellular phone. The convenience of having a cellphone I can bring it along with me and people could reach me wherever, anywhere I am as long as there is signal, specially in times of emergencies. But we could not hide the truth that it carries radiation. Healthwise I still prefer the landline whether be cordless or not because I could minimize or control my phone calls and incoming calls are clearer to hear, no radiation coming from it.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I have a cordless phone and a cell. I am not a phone person. I have caller ID and if I don't recognize the number I do not pick up. I got my cell for emergencies but my bill is high..I barely use it.I just don't like to talk on the phone. If I didn't have to have one I wouldn't..
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
cellular phones, of course...
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@jonaida (574)
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
I would like a cordless phone so I can use at home, I am using a cellphone because I can carry it all the time with me and it is prepaid so I don't have to worry about monthly bills, I just load whenever I need it. It's just that a landline is important in applying in some offices like credit cards and other important things. It is also cheaper and anyone could reach you through this when they can't reach your cellphone... So I think I have to choose both, but I like the cellphone best. It's my personal property, hahaha!
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
i like motorola,its cool yet not so expensive!
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• Philippines
18 Jul 07
here in the philippines it is so hard to own a good nice celphone because of the price but it is a must to have one
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Jul 07
I prefer the Cordless Phone and also a Cell Phone which we call a Mobile Phone lol The Cordless phone is easier as you can take it anywhere in the House and even in the Garden, the Mobile I love because it can go everywhere with me