Do you feel the same?

@gr8life (6251)
August 12, 2007 8:15pm CST
Hello friends, I feel like My Lot is a bit quiet nowadays. Do you realize that? I always make sure all my 70 friends notification are on and will get so many e-mail alerts from My Lot every single day when they started a discussion. But today, when I checked it just now, I only have like 5 new discussions started by my friends. Are the rest of my friends are busy right now? Some friends whom I used to see them started a new discussion every day, are no longer having a new discussion. I read a few good bye discussions from My Lot members too. Why all these happened? Are people getting tired of mylotting now? Please share your view with me.
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13 responses
@puput_251 (128)
• Indonesia
13 Aug 07
Yes i same with you. I like thi is programe tjis is very good.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello puput_251, Look like you are a newbie here. Welcome to My Lot and I hope that you will enjoy your stay here *smiles* I joined around three months ago and believe me, you will get addicted to be here all the times *laughs* But unfortunately, I don't know why it is a bit quiet nowadays. Maybe there is a glitch and I hope that My Lot will solve the problem faster before we are losing more good friends here.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
13 Aug 07
I think that a lot of people are sick of all the spammers and people ruining this site..It used to be brilliant but I think that everyone has gone elsewhere because they are fed up with the cr@p discussions and referral links everywhere..
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello Calais, Some of them are here for making money and when they realized that it is not as what they expect it to be, they just left. That is my opinion, I don't know for sure... I do feel a bit distracted to be here sometimes, not like before where I was eager to sign in and started to respond to others.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
13 Aug 07
Maybe othes are just busy with their "real" life, other could've just refrained their activity here for awhile or are just resting for the meantime. I also knew some friends who transferred on other earning sites, they just skip back and forth here. Others could be tired of posting here, they decided to leave and stop participating here. Don't worry much about it, these things have already happened and I'm sure that it'll get back to the way it was before.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
13 Aug 07
That is very true my friend, I have received some invites from my friends on another site who, most of them are from mylot. I haven't checked it out yet, but I guess I'll soon be joining them. But I'll still be more active here than on that site, I owe mylot a lot so I just can't leave this site!;)
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello raijin, Good to know that there are people who still love My Lot. I hope to hear from you more often.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello raijin, I think of the same reason too. I hope you are right. As long as there are people who keep responding and starting a new discussion, I will be here too for them. I really miss to see those friends whom I got to know when I started to join this site *sad*
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
13 Aug 07
I've been feeling the same way as you are about this lately, gr8life. I'm hoping things will pick-up again, once the fall starts. I find it quite sad, as things just aren't the same, and many have left for various reasons. I haven't been getting my e-mail notifications for a few days now, and believe it to be some sort of a glitch. I plan on hanging in here for now though.
• Canada
13 Aug 07
Being on this site has made my day at times too. I've really enjoyed the interaction, and have gotten to know so many wonderful 'friends.' Let's hope things pick-up again soon.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello someonesmom, I hope every thing will be fixed soon and thing will get back to normal. I do miss all my friends here and hope to hear from them as often as I could. But, if thing gets worse, I am afraid that I have no choice to choose. I don't want to be forced to leave this wonderful site *sad*
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello someonesmom, I understand how you feel right now. I also hope the problem will be solved faster before more people decided to leave this wonderful site. I love to be here and responding to my friends. It really makes my day worth while sometimes. It is amazing that you can get to know so many people here and be a good friend though you don't really know them personally.
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• India
14 Aug 07
I don't know about others but in my case normally it happens that whenever i'm at home or somewhere else other then office i seldom use net. Secondly, sometimes i like to post resposes only. So, it may be the case with others also or it may be a coincidence that your friends are preferring to post responses as it is difficult to find out questions daily.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 07
Hello helloravinder, Maybe you are right. But I guess due to the 'no notifications' problem, most of them think that others are leaving this site. I did think the same but when I realized there was another glitch, it gave me another good reason why it is so quiet nowadays. Another problem like the decreased earnings, no response from My Lot are contributing to the endless reason why they left...
• Pakistan
13 Aug 07
i agree with you i am new here on mylot and didnt found any single message of friend request yet like other forums
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 07
Hello qudsiakarim85, Welcome to My Lot! I just hope you will stay and enjoy mylotting here. I joined a few months ago and was seriously addicted to My Lot. I managed to solve the problem though... My Lot is having a glitch right now where most of us couldn't get our notifications as usual. So, we need to check the discussion manually to see whether our friends start any new discussions or do they respond to our own discussions. If you like it, I will send a friend request to you and I hope you will accept me *smiles*
@sunshinecup (7871)
13 Aug 07
Well this weekend the notify was not working, so there is part of the problem. Then there is the fact school is staring back up, that slows things down for a few days. Mylot has it's peek periods and then it's slow periods. I have seen it happen many times. Just hold on, it will pick up again.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello sunshinecup, Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. I will hold on, don't worry. I love to be here though so many bad things happened. I think I will be here as long as I know that I still have many good friends.
@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
13 Aug 07
I think it is a variety of factors. Some people are vacationing because it is summer. Some are getting ready to go back to school, etc. I think there is more activity here in the winter, when it is cold and people are closer to their computers. But you are right, there are more members now than ever, but much less activity.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello Geminigirl, Maybe it is true for all kind of money making programs. When it first started, there will be good responses but after awhile, everything will slow down. With so many problem face by the members, it is possible that they decided to leave this wonderful site. Hope everything will be fixed soon.
@g1_arun (42)
• India
13 Aug 07
Hi i think the main thing that most leave is that they cant spend much time on this site due to various reasons(say school or job constraints).i had also not logged into mylot for 2months because of my exams.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 07
Hello g1_arun, Maybe you are right. We have our own responsibilities in our lives. Whenever we have free time, yes we can spend it here. But it is not easy to find time if you are such a busy person. I try to find time to log in here whenever I could but as I am a working woman, a mother and I am doing almost everything single handedly makes it difficult for me to be here all the times. I just hope I still can keep in touch with my wonderful friends here.
• Hong Kong
13 Aug 07
I have been noticing my mylot friends either leaving mylot or cutting their time around here. I was active before but then I got tired of less and less dicussions and the low pay around here, therefore, I focused on working on my website and my blog. Then I changed my mind and came back to see how everyone is doing around here. But then I discovered that those people to whom I usually respond are less often around. Maybe they are getting tired of mylot or maybe they have something better to do. I really have no clue.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello wondericequeen, Yes, you are right. Friends who love to start a discussion are no longer active right now. I don't really know what happened to them. But once a while, I could see them responded to other people's discussions. That means, they are still here but maybe they are cutting their time due to other responsibilities or may be they are pretty busy with work or maybe they are like you. That is why I feel a bit disappointed whenever I started a discussion and only received a few responses. I also came across so many complaints about our earnings here. It seems to get lesser and lesser. I think all the paid forum or money making online programs are like this. It is good at first and starts to decrease slowly. Well, I will be here for the time being and I can assure you that *smiles*
@youless (112204)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Aug 07
You are right. I also agree that it seems people are leaving Mylot because it really pays less than before. This is very discouraging. Because nobody wants to spend a long time here but earn a few cents only. I am also less active than before. But I just try to login Mylot everyday.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello youless, That is one of the factors that discouraging people to stay here longer. They just think it is such a waste to spend time for nothing. That is very true for those who are looking for extra money online. But for me, I am here for my friends. I hope there are still few friends who decided to stay on...
• United States
13 Aug 07
I'm definitely one of those myLotters who are getting a bit tired of it. Mostly because I'm not here for the money, I'm here for the discussions and I've noticed that the discussions haven't been as interesting for me as they used to. Before I could always find where to post, but lately it's becoming a chore to find topics of interest so I've been ignoring myLot. I'm trying to get back into it and at least respond to friend's discussions, but I haven't been doing much after that. I think if myLot somehow would weed out all of the spammers and such, and improved the site a little, it would give us all reasons to stay and to hold our interest by making it easier to find topics of interest.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 07
Hello Melody, I have a problem like most of our My Lot friends who don't get their notifications lately. That is one of the reason why it is extra quiet here lately. I need to check all the discussions manually and it is a bit hassle for me. I just hope everything will be fixed soon and thing will get back to normal. Sometimes, when I feel tired looking for a discussion from my friends here, I will go to a new users discussions. Honestly, you will feel more boring when you see how they start their discussions. Some don't make sense at all. No questions, no info and not even a single sentence! I think My Lot needs to do something before more members decided to leave this site. As for me, I will stay and see what will happen next!
@mari_skye (1637)
• Philippines
13 Aug 07
I agree. I seldom see my friends here in mylot anymore. I don't get to see their responses or their posts considering that I often visit the discussion that my friends have started. Most of the discussions there are posts of my new friends and not much from the friends I made when I first started with mylot. So sad really. I just hope they are just busy and will be joining discussions later.
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@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
13 Aug 07
Hello mari_skye, I hope the same too. I really want to see them again here. I hope they are just being busy with their life out there. But, do you know that the person who has the most posts here has already left this site to join another? It makes me feel sad though...