Can Squidoo Help You Make Money Online?

@gtargirl (5376)
United States
October 24, 2007 2:30am CST
I spent the good part of today developing a Squidoo lens. Does anyone else here have a lens/page there? I would just like to know how it all works and how it can help you with your other online ventures. The link is on my profile here if you would like to check it out. I'll check yours out and see if I can pick up any tips. Thanks.
1 response
@smartweb (11)
• United States
6 Nov 07
Been trying to post a response to this... gonna try posting in smaller bits in case it was too long.
• United States
6 Nov 07
You can email your lens to your friends to let them look at it... be sure to use the email feature within your lens so your lens gets credit. You can put a section right on your lens asking people to rank it if they like it. You can link one lens to another... and link all of them from a profile page or lens directory you create yourself... like this one: (read following post for more)
• United States
6 Nov 07
You can put outside links to your lenses... like putting them in your profile page at MyLot, MySpace, etc., and linking to them where relevant when you post comments on blogs or MyLot... like this: and so on... I'm sure you get the idea. The key is to only post a link where it is relevant to your comment. So, in a webkinz or toy blog, I might post the World of Webkinz link, and in a blog about parenting or babies, there might be a relevant thread where I would post the Car Seat link, and so forth. (read following post for more)
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
6 Nov 07
Wow, this is awesome information. I'm going to have to read it step by step and a little at a time. I'll check out all your lenses as well. I sure do appreciate the time you took to educate me a little. Maybe I'll just print this up since you gave me quite a lot to study. Thanks again.