January 19, 2008 7:29am CST
Recently i discovered something more addictive and more satisfying than popping bubble wrap. And the funny thing is is that its very simple and most of you have it already in your fridge. If you havent guessed what it is yet then let me give u a clue... It's a vegetable and its also known as a fungus... that's right its mushrooms !! The addictive thing about them is de-stalking them. When you remove the stalk and it makes a click-ish noise when it pops out it feels so satisfying... lol... i dont know if any of you feel the sme or if you thing im strange... but do YOU enjoy popping bubble wrap or de-stalking mushrooms ? Is there something else youve discovered that is oddly addictive ? Let me know!
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15 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I like to set out garlic cloves on the counter top and bonk them with the bottom of a mason jar. It is so amazing to see all the little skins fly off leaving a lovely edible clove of garlic sitting there all ready to pop in the blender with olive oil, basil, black pepper and some grated romano. I love the sound it makes and after freeing a handful of garlic cloves of their skins, they whip up into such a lovely spread to put over sourdough bread and nuke until bubbly golden brown. Mmmmm, FOOD!
1 person likes this
• Australia
19 Apr 09
LOL that sounds yummy!! i know... i love food!
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
20 Nov 11
Hey madmax11, you know how to do it! Glass mayonnaise jars work equally as well as Marson jars. Olive oil jars work too...we don't usually stock ketchup. Funny thing, I eat it at the hamburger joint, but not at home ... dunno why.
• Mexico
19 Nov 11
That sounds good too.. although I usually use a glass bottle, like the oil or ketchup bottle... yeah! I usually buy the glass ones
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• Australia
19 Jan 08
You just have a destructive personality and like to brake things by the sounds of it! lmao, that is cute, :) a little weird yes... and as i dont think i do anything strange like that but one of my friends picks every seed off her strawberries before she eats them.
1 person likes this
• Australia
19 Jan 08
hey im not destructive ! lol... woah every seed ? that must be really time consuming... i used to peel my grapes before eating them but that was just for fun lol... well is there anything else u do that ur friends might find out of the ordinary ?
@Modestah (11179)
• United States
20 Jan 08
heh,, so marian, are you also guilty of lettuce brutality? do you bang that head of lettuce on the counter and then rip out its core?
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• Australia
22 Jan 08
uh.. NO.. lol im not that crazy i just like the sound of destalking mushrooms =)
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
19 Jan 08
i dont de-stalk my mushrooms! i just cut the browning ends off with a knife when i'm chopping them up, so i have honestly never heard of this popping noise before, i guess i will have to try now. Good discussion topic though, it really peaked my interest and made me wanna find out what you were talking about! *smiles*
1 person likes this
• Australia
22 Jan 08
aw how sweet thanks ! yeah u should seriosuly try it ! its soooooooooooooo fun ! lol i sound like a crazy person... me and my friend are weird with these things like the other day she was going on about how good it feels to sink ur hands into fresh dough and i was like oh yeah it feels so good like old people skin but without the wrinkles ! lol... man we're weird haha
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I haven't experienced this with mushrooms, but I know exactly what you are talking about with the bubble wrap. The main reason I haven't with the mushrooms is because I'm not much of a fan. On the other hand, I get the same way when I floss my teeth. Probably sounds really weird to some people, but I just don't want to stop. LOL
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• Australia
22 Jan 08
lol thats pretty funny... i might go floss my teeth right now cos u gave me the idea lol !
• United States
20 Jan 08
Is it wrong to leave the stalk in mushrooms?
1 person likes this
• Australia
22 Jan 08
no of course not i just like taking them out for that satisfying sound haha
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Apr 09
stomping empty cans with my son who does that recycle thing oh, and also its fun to put those documents your done with through the shredder. guess im more destructive than you.LOL!
1 person likes this
• Australia
19 Apr 09
LOL wow that does sound a little destructive! i wish i had a shredder too to shred things!
@pterion (417)
• India
19 Jan 08
Are there that many mushrooms in the fridge...usually i guess with bubble wrap you've got sooo many bubbles and soo many pop sounds thats what makes it so much appealing....hell! if i have 100 mushrooms its of course better than bubble-wrap.
1 person likes this
• Australia
22 Jan 08
lol yeah i'd love to have 100 mushrooms too !!! haha id go craaaaaaaaaaazy ! lol
• United States
20 Jan 08
Well bubble wrap is addicting to pop at anytime :P.But I gotta say never tried the mushroom thing i hate to eat them :P
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
19 Jan 08
I'm deathly allergic to mushrooms, so I won't be trying that one anytime soon. :P However, I do find snapping green beans to be strangely addictive. It's one of those chores that's just way more fun than you'd think! :)
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
20 Jan 08
You mean to say there is something out there more addictive than bubble wrap??? :P LOL I kind of remember de stalking mushrooms when I was little, but I never found it addictive like popping bubble wrap! LOL I was always disappointed when there was no more bubbles to pop. But I only liked popping the little ones as the big bubbles on the bubble wrap scared me, especially when my dad used to use a hammer to pop them. It was loud! :P LOL
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@Modestah (11179)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I rarely remove the stems, fresh mushrooms cost enough that I use the whole thing :) unless of course I am stuffing them, then I pop off the stems and you are right there is some satisfaction in it.
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@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
13 Aug 08
I love bubble wrap too! I've never tried the mushroom thing!
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• Philippines
19 Jan 08
I also find popping the bubble wrap satisfying, but I have never tried de-stalking the mushroom. There's one weird thing that I find satisfying and there's only one person in the world who does a similar thing (if you know one let me know). I like cutting the tip of my hair for hours. I cut it per strand. But I do have a long hair so it's not really obvious. My mother often tell me to refrain doing that. I do not do it anymore. :)
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• Australia
19 Jan 08
lol thats cute i used to do it too while i was in class ! lol... i dont know how my scissors would end up in my hands and strands of my hair would end up slowly falling to the ground... theres something hypnotic about it.. lol i dno maybe im just weird haha =P
• United States
11 Dec 11
I've honestly never paid attention to the sound a mushroom makes when you take it off the stalk. But we do certainly enjoy eating them in my house. Everyone enjoys popping bubble wrap, just something to do with your fingers I guess and the pop noise is somewhat amusing.
@madmax11 (83)
• Mexico
19 Nov 11
Marian, I think you've gone nuts.. hahaha.. When I was younger I remember there was something I enjoyed a lot as well.. Scraping the frost from the freezer with my fingers, making little snowballs and throwing them as far as I could... Well, nice to know you've found your addiction! Cheers