How do you dispose of your unwanted medicine?

@lilybug (21107)
United States
March 9, 2008 11:15pm CST
Another myLot discussion sparked this thought in my head. What do you do with your prescription drugs that you no longer take? I have a bunch in the cabinet that I am not sure what to do with. It is several hundred dollars worth of medicine.
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9 responses
• Canada
10 Mar 08
Where I live we have something called "Household Hazardous Waste" I bring them there so they can be disposed of correctly. I work at a pharmacy and our pharmacy will take the back to dispose of correctly unless they are narcotics of course, my boss pays a company to dispose of them correctly for him. I wouldn't flush them down the toilet cause you never know they may end up back in your drinking water....
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Mar 08
They are my sons medicine. They are ADHD meds.
• Canada
10 Mar 08
I definately wouldn't flush them nor would I just shoot them in the garbage if someone or someones pet did get a hold of them there could be some extreme consequences. Call your pharmacy and ask them if they know of where you could bring them to be exposed of correctly.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
10 Mar 08
As long as the medicine hasn't expired hang on to it. If its old medicine you should dispose of it. A phamacist told my husband the best way to do that is to, fill the bottle up with water and then put it in a bag, tie it up and put that in the trash. Don't flush it, the medicine gets put in our water systems, also it can plug up the toilet. If you fill the bottle up with water it ruins the medicine and keeps someone from taking it if they find it. It gets dissolved and unusable
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Good idea about the water in the bottle. I would be afraid of someone taking them or an animal getting to them otherwise.
@KKKBsmom (1092)
• United States
10 Mar 08
I throw it away... sadly... a waste.... that is if no one in my family will be able to take it~!
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
10 Mar 08
Depends on if they are expired or not. If they are, I flush them down the toliet. If they are not expired, I usually keep them if it is something that I might need in the future (saves money!).
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Mar 08
The article the dreamy posted is the reason I though of this discussion. Flushing pills contaminates water supplies.
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
10 Mar 08
Hello,lili! it is not advisable to purchase all the medicines as per the prescription.rather those may be purchased at instalments as per requirement so so much medicines may not form a mass of it.whatever medicines are available with you all might have passed the expiry you just put those under the soil without giving any thought to the loss.thank you.
@MelanieW (66)
• Indonesia
10 Mar 08
I usually throw it down the sink, and flush it. It can be dangerous if we throw in the garbage since someone can pick it up and misuse it. Well if it is worth hundred dollars, maybe you should consider of keeping it. Who know someone may need it or you will need it later on. But pay attention to the expired date though.
@mrpippo (756)
• United States
10 Mar 08
i flush them in the toilet so that they dont end up in the hands of kids or pets ,which could happen if you put them in the trash
10 Mar 08
I recently had the same question on my mind as I have loads of things either out of date or I am not allowed to use anymore. I thought of getting rid of them down the toilet or sink and wash them away but as you said this will make the water contaminated so I actually contacted my local pharmacy and they told me to bag them all up and bring them in to them and they would get rid of them for me, and thats what I done. I figure doing it this way ensures that they have been got rid of and should never harm anyone else or our water supply, it's someone elses problem for a change
• China
10 Mar 08
There are lots of medication formulations, such as tablet,injection,capsule,suppository,pill,and oral liquid. In my opinion, different formulation should be disposed in different ways. Take oral liquid formulation as an example, you must dump the liquid to the toilet, then throw away the bottle putting it. If it is the capsule, you should ruin the hull and let the stuff inside out, cause if you directly throw it away, it also can be taken by pets by accident. It is a good method to flush the unwanted medicine. I believe it will not contaminate the water and break our water supply system. Does anyone agree with me?