Almost at Payout again!!!

United States
April 10, 2008 8:57am CST
Ten days into the month, we haven't even gotten this months payment and I am already close to qualifying for payout for next month!!! Just a mere $1.60 and I will have payout again!!! What have I been doing differently? Not much really. In addition to my regular posting, I have been starting a lot more discussions than I have in the past. I have added a lot of new friends, after screening of course, and set them on e-mail notification so that I know every time they start a new discussion. And finally, I have been taking advantage of the new incentive program. I have found a site where I can get active referrals for free. (If you would like to know more, go here: The four referrals I've gotten have helped some with my earnings as well. I saw a lot of posts last month from different people saying that they would like to reach payout every month. Today's question is what are you doing to get to that point? Have you changed or added any habits? Are you close to payout for next month, or are you still a distance away? Where are you at MyLot!!!
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27 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Well I just checked and I'm $0.41 from payout for this month. So by tomorrow I should have enough for payout. Then the rest of the month is all gravy I have referrals but they aren't active at all so all my earnings are from what I do myself. I just try to post a lot. I not only do responses to discussions but also replies to comments. They do earn you some money even if it doesn't change your number. I always add in tags as well. I don't post new discussions that often but now and then. Same with adding pictures. I only do it occasionally. I try to make sure that all my posts are quality posts. That is really the key, making sure you put forth the effort.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Well I found out once we do earn, even if it's not much. I had been offline for over a week and when I got on i had responded to a few comments. That was all I did, nothing to change my post count. The next day I had earned a few cents for those. You're right also it does boost it in the ratings so that it gets more views. That's like with tags. If you put in the correct ones more likely people will find it in searches so thus more active and hopefully more earnings. That to me is a win/win situation
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
12 Apr 08
I do the same thing. I'll have those going in one window and in another I'm doing mylot. It works out well usually and also that way I'm earning more at once then just that 1/2 penny or what have you.
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• United States
10 Apr 08
There's been a big debate whether commenting earns you money or not. I still do it. Even if I don't earn money directly from that post, I still earn because it makes my discussion more responsive, and it gets bumped back to the top of the list in that intrest, giving it more views. Either way, it gets me more earnings in the long run.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Congratulations! I'm still a distance away. I haven't been on here as much the last couple of days due to yard work but I'm ready to get back to it and start earning.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
11 Apr 08
I live in northeast Mississippi. It is warm here today but we are on the edge of some really stormy weather. Its suppose to bring in some cold air. It was 80 degrees yesterday and its suppose to be down to low to mid 30's at night this weekend. We're under a tornado watch and its really windy but its not even raining now..just cloudy. Are you in the area that has snow in the forecast?
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• United States
11 Apr 08
You might as well come back here Lucy lol. I don't know what area of the nation you live in, but in the Midwest we are expecting a cold chill. If you don't wrap the plants up they will die. That's why it always best to make sure the weather has broken before you start planting. I did miss you for a couple days back there, glad to have you back.
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• United States
11 Apr 08
No, I am just a stretch from you in Southwest Ohio. We have the same forecast here. Not very good news for those who have already started their planting. So far since I've been up its been a mixture of showers and sun. Don't know how it feels outside, but I won't be welcoming the 30s too well tomorrow.
@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
Fist off, congrats to you! Looks like like you really did a great job. As for me, I'm still $14 shy from this month's payout. What have I been doing and did I change any habit? Well, I've started posting long responses (with sense of course) and tried to keep my goal of not less than 20 posts and comments in a day. Plus I've also started a new discussion although it's not a lot, I just started 2 in the last days and good thing it actually got quite a response. I'm also planning on getting some referrals of my own. I have 3 but unfortunately they are all inactive so I guess I'm going to add up and make sure they stay active. It'll be a big help actually. Good luck to us! Cheers!
• United States
11 Apr 08
If you are looking for referrals, I would suggest a new referral exchange that I have found. To learn about it, go to this discussion: If you are interested, leave a response there, add me as a friend, and send me a message. I will send the url in a response.
• United States
11 Apr 08
You must have your payout set at $25. I still have mine at $10, but I am waiting to see how much I end up with this month, and after next months payout I will adjust.
@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
12 Apr 08
I had mine set at $10 last month and I've received my payout of $14 this morning. I'm thinking of changing it to $25 this month. I'll try to reach that amount. Thanks!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Apr 08
Well done you! I have already made payout for next month, I did it about 5 days ago. Since my kids went back to school Monday just gone, I have had very little time to come on here and do as much as I want to, I have not set any discussions for a while and am not able to respond to everyone as quickly as I like, I guess once I get back into the routine of school and that it will be a bit better but it is always hard when they have had time off to get back into the swing of things!
• United States
10 Apr 08
You just had to come and pee in my cornflakes by saying you already have payout You are doing very well for someone that doesn't have as much time as they want to to spend on here. I would be afraid if you ever did get it!!!
• United States
10 Apr 08
You don't have to apologize. I was having a little fun with you myself. I like to see other people earning here, whether they are doing better or worse than me. Its fun having something that you are good at, but its more fun when you are part of a group that is good at it, not just by yourself.
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Apr 08
Do you know what? When I put that, and then read it back after I had posted it, I thought it looks really bigheaded! I did not mean it to sound like that! My kids were off school for 2 weeks for the easter holidays and so with not having to go up and down to school or to the shops I was able to get on the computer a lot more so that is why I made it so quick! Now because they are back in school I am limited on time again, so I cannot do as much, I did not mean to pee in your cornflakes, sorry I will go get you a new bowl of cornflakes.
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
11 Apr 08
wow nice job my friend. i also near to the payout next month. minutes ago, i received my first payout of $12.04. you know what? this is my first ever, on my online history that i received more than $10. i am very happy i earned that amount here. it's time for me to say "thank you" to all mylotter who help me in reaching my earnings to payout.[b][/b] see you on your next post. have a bless day.
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• United States
11 Apr 08
I am very happy for your first payout. I was very glad when I got my first payout from here as well. It took me a little over nine months to get it!!! I have shortened that time though. The payout of 18.44 I got today only took me two months, and I am six cents away from next months payout as of today!!! I am getting good!!! I also will be posting an article on how to get the most earnings from Mylot in the next couple of days. I will add you as a friend so you will be one of the first to know about it. I will be posting a discussion about it as soon as I am finished.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Apr 08
wow, nice idea. i hope i can get $20 this month because i'm on my way to my next payout. i have $9.01 already working for 12 days. starting april 01, 2008. hope i will get my goal.
1 person likes this
10 Apr 08
I am just $3.28 short of reaching $10 so I hope to do this by the end of the month. I have one referrals who uis active but is still new to mylot. I try and start a few discussions but find it hard being creative and thinking of topics to write about. I am replying to as many discussions as I can, starting with my friends and interests and then new users and discussions with no responses. I will then go to new and recent discussions.
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• United States
10 Apr 08
I wish I had a few more friends like those. I get a lot of e-mails from here daily as well. What I do is have them go directly to a folder specifically for MyLot. That way I don't have to deal with them until I am ready, then I can deal with all of them at once if I so choose. Oh, and when I say adding friends, I don't mean adding everyone. You want to add those people who actually bring value to the site, and are not just post-counters or people trying to spam others into their programs. When adding friends, look at their profile first. Do they have discussions that you feel you can respond to? When they post, are they just posting a line or two, or an actual thought out response of at least four lines? Do you share more than one interest with this person? If the answer is yes, then you have a good candidate for a friend on here that will help you to earn more. If not, you probably have a spammer, and they won't be around long enough to help you.
• United States
10 Apr 08
That is not too big of a goal to reach. You have twenty days left, its very doable to get 3.28 in that time. Don't worry about starting discussions, I have always responded way more than I have started discussions, that still brings in the earnings. You have a good strategy, but there is one thing that could take you over the top that I see you didn't mention. Adding friends. The way to do this is to go back to the discussions you started, and add everyone who responded to you. This way you know that they have some of the same interests. I would also add the people who started the discussions you responded to so far. Same reason, similar interests. Once you get some of those people to accept your friend request, put everyone on your list on e-mail notification. That way, you will get a notification in your e-mail every time one of your friends starts a discussion. This makes it easier to find discussions to respond to. As for your routine, it doesn't have to change much. I would start off by the discussions that I have in my e-mail, then go through the interests, then new users, then finally discussions with no responses. It doesn't really change much, just where you start.
10 Apr 08
I never thought about adding everyone as friends, I did have my email notification turned on but a couple of friends start 20 discussions daily so my email gets bombarded.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
11 Apr 08
Its very amazing i must say. that means you are very very active. i guess you are also earning from referrals. whatever i earn, its my sole effort. i have no active referrals. so may be i should try some.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Apr 08
Don't feel bad, even though I have seven referrals now, most of my payout is from my sole effort as well. In total they may have kicked in two dollars. If you need some referrals, you should try this new program that I have found. For a description, go here: If you are interested, send me a message. I will send the url in the reply.
• United States
11 Apr 08
I just re-looked at your post, and I have to say that I am very active. I try to be on here at least once a day. I don't count how long I am on here, but I do try to respond to every interesting discussion that comes in my e-mail.
11 Apr 08
I very much doubt I will make payout this time around, having only just returned to MyLot after a break. However, I am happy to spend my time here and, who knows, I might even make payout for next month :-)
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• United States
11 Apr 08
Yes, this months payout was cut off on March 31st. But you have 19 days to reach payout for next month!!! With the way you write, that should be no big problem for you!!!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Hi drknlvly. I have already reached payout and probably will have to work at a couple more dollars to make next months payout. The only time I never received payment was for two months last year when I was hardly ever on. I have no referrals and do what I normally do by responding and starting discussions. I always make payout except those two months I was not online. I am happy with the time and effort I put into mylot and still manage to reach payout :) Good for you on getting more referrals and I might just check out your other discussion.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
10 Apr 08
It sure is a lot of work but if I put in a bit of time each day then I usually make payout each month :) thanks for the link!
• United States
10 Apr 08
Its a lot of work, isn't it? For my first payout, I had two referrals, and they didn't help. Just weren't active then. During this payout I had two referrals that were active, but not very much, they helped a little. Now since I am working on this month, I have seven referrals so far, two of which aren't active. I am still getting the bulk of my earnings myself, but its nice to have a little help here and there. Oh, and the link in the main discussion is a little off, so here is the correct url:
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Well, here it is the 11th and I'm already over half way to payout so there's no doubt I'll hit it this goal is to top out what I made last month. Ppl don't realize that the more friends you have the more ppl that respond to your discussion and the more discussions you have in your email to answer. I have tons of discussions to answer...more than enough to meet payout every month. Also when I start a new discussion I am bound to have at least 10 ppl respond (the minimum to get paid for the discussion) out of all the friends I have. I also answer 20-50 discussions a day depending on my mood and how long I can stand to be at the pc typing. I have 2 referrals but neither of them are active...I'll have to look at your link. As for starting discussions, I've slacked off alot b/c ppl seem to get offended if you don't respond back to each response and I just don't have the time to respond back but I am going to follow the example of another member and make some changes in that area. I believe that anyone can make a decent amount on's a matter of, like anything, putting time and effort into it. The more you put in the more you get out of it. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
14 Apr 08
Actually you don't make anything by responding to ppl's responses. You only earn 4 ways: responding to ppl's discussions, starting your own discussions, adding photo's to your discussion and if you have referrals. You CAN respond back to ppl that have responded to you but be forewarned that if you don't put something more than Thank You the discussion may be deleted and everyone loses out. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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• United States
11 Apr 08
Here you go, teaching me again!!! I didn't know that you had to get at least 10 responses to get paid for a discussion. Luckily I do have a wide network of friends, so I usually get that easily when I start discussions. Another thing that helps is to comment to each response you get that you feel worthy of a comment. I know that some get offended when you don't comment on their response, but not every response deserves a comment I'm sorry. If you only wrote one sentence, no comment, if you are completely off subject, no comment. But when you do comment to the majority of your responses, not only do you get paid a little, but it brings your discussion back to the top of the interest list, giving exposure to more members who may respond as well. Just let me know about the program, and I will send you the link if you are interested.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
13 Apr 08
That is good! I rarely ever meet payout in a month and you have almost met it in half a month. However, I don't have referrals and don't really want any. I like to know that I have earned what money I make.I will make payout this month and I am hoping to make enough for at least 2 months pay.
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• United States
14 Apr 08
You say that you like to know that you have earned what money you make. How is it not earned when its through referrals? You did the work by showing them to the site, you don't think that getting the bonus for that work is earned? Just a question.
• India
12 Apr 08
Friend, be frank I am very very far away for payment, although I joined three weeks back.
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• United States
12 Apr 08
Don't worry, it will come. It takes a while to learn the in's and out's of MyLot, to build friends and gain recognition. My first payout took me nine months to achieve. I will be posting an article about how to get the most out of MyLot either today or tommorrow, add me as a friend and you will get the notification when its finished, I will be posting a discussion about it.
@yoj118 (346)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
good to hear that you're near to receiving your payout again..well, as for me, i still have a long way to go before i could reach my first payout..but that's fine because i'm still a newbie here on mylot.. perhaps just like what you've said, i have to be active and do more so as to catch up with my earnings... i'll try to check out the site..hope it can help me increase my earning...
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• United States
11 Apr 08
I am also writing an article about how to get the most out of MyLot. This will help everyone to earn more and consistently I believe. I will add you to my friends list, and make sure that you turn your e-mail notification on. I will be creating a discussion about it when I post it online, so you will be among the first to know about the article when I post it.
• United States
11 Apr 08
I just sent you a friend request. As soon as you accept it I can send you the url for the site.
@nerisse (16)
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
Hello, Since I'm new here, I think I'm still a distance away. But ofcourse with the help of friends and your help (I'm sure) I can achieve that goal. I'll try to be active so that we can both benefit from this. Nerisse
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• United States
13 Apr 08
I know that you are my referral, but please, don't be active for me, be active for yourself. There is a lot to learn on this site, and a lot of friends to make. Be active because you find discussions that you are interested in, and want to start because they interest you. You just do your thing on your own accord, the earnings will come in the meantime, but be here for you, not me.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Good job! I'll be at next months payout before the weekend which is good since its still early in the month...We should be getting this months payout in a couple days now that I think about it LOL All I'm TRYING to do differently (but hte nice weather keeps getting in my way LOL) is post more...
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• United States
10 Apr 08
Yes *sigh* sometimes life doesn't allow for MyLot. I am happy to see that I am not the only one that has gotten to payout very early this month. Yes. payout is due within five days, but sometimes they are early, so I will be reaching payout for one, and receiving payout for the last next week!!!
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
10 Apr 08
i have been making payout about every other month and since i have a part time job outside of the house, i dont spend a whole lot of time on here, but i do manage to make about 30 cents per day. my secret is to have two windows with mylot open all the time.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Apr 08
I keep repeating this to people, and now you have proved my point. Its not the amount of time that you spend on MyLot each day, its how much value you bring to the site with your posts. How does having the two windows with MyLot open help your earnings? I do something similar, when I am referencing another discussion while writing or responding, I have a tab with the writing window in MyLot up, plus I have whatever I am referencing in MyLot up as well. You will have to explain in a little more detail what you are doing with those windows and how it is helping your earnings.
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Congratulations on reaching payout so soon. I'm far away from reaching payout. I'm not as active as I use to be on here. I don't have much time to spend on here. Its been about two months since I have actually reached payout. The referral site sounds interesting. I have 18 referrals and they are all not active.
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• United States
10 Apr 08
The key to getting referrals is to promote, the key to keeping active referrals is to keep promoting. Not everyone is active at once, so if you keep promoting, you get more chances to get someone like me under you. Think about the earnings that I am getting my sponsor!!! If you want to learn more about the site I am talking about, go to this discussion: After reading that, if you are interested, send me a message and I will reply with the ref url.
@chris1314 (784)
10 Apr 08
Wow, i havnt reached payout yet, and i have been here 3 months! The ref links url which you posted, doesnt work, please could you post the correct one? Thanks, Chris
• United States
10 Apr 08
Sorry, I put the parentheses too close to the end. Here is the correct url: Its not a ref link, its a link to another discussion. If you are interested once you read it, add me as a friend and I will send it to you in a pm. And don't worry about not reaching payout yet. My first payout took me nine months to get to, and that was the minimum!!!
• Pakistan
10 Apr 08
Congratulations mate: Good work. This is my second day at mylot and i am doing very well at the moment. I am doing many posts a day. And hope my earnings wil boost day by day. My second day is better then first. Because i am posting lenghty posts then first day's posts.
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• United States
10 Apr 08
You are doing more than wonderful, I don't think I had half as many posts as you do on my second day. I am glad that you are realizing one of the keys to MyLot. Its not how many posts you make in a day that earns for you, its how much interest you create and content you put into each of those posts.
• Belgium
10 Apr 08
nice you got payout so quickly! You must been posting a lot then to have to earn so much cash. Lol congrats. another 9.50 dollor for my payout! wish me luck! Have a nice day!
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• United States
10 Apr 08
Don't worry, its always slow in the beginning. Once you get the hang of this site payout will come so fast it will shock you!!!