I Can Never Find A Pen!!

@sunkissed (4330)
United States
May 4, 2008 2:21pm CST
I do not know what it is, but I seen to lose my pens everywhere.Seems everytime I look for a pen, they are nowhere in sight.When I look in my purse for a pen, there is no pen. I am always wondering where in the world all of my pens go to.No matter what room I am in and need a pen. I buy pens all the time. But What do I do with them? Do you have this problem?
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11 responses
@anawar (2404)
• United States
4 May 08
I try to keep the amount of pens I own to a minimum. That way I'm forced to be careful where I place them. It's not flawless, and there's nothing worse than being hot on a topic and not finding a pen immediateley.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
4 May 08
You are right there is nothing worse than that.
4 May 08
I also suffer from the same problem. I always buy pens and place them around the house in places I will most likely need them (next to the phone etc). The things is whenever I am on the phone and need a pen I cannot find one. I am completely in the dark about what happens to them and where they disappear to. All I know for sure is that I never find out and never seem to get the m back. I have decided to stop buying pens now, if I can never find them anyway, it seems silly to spend money just to lose more of them. Maybe when I move house I will find hundreds of them all in the same place and will take a box full of them to my next home, but I doubt it.
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
4 May 08
Well I am just like you,I place my pens everywhere also. Everyplace i think I will ever need them, but when I do, I have to run around looking for one.You are right, no need to buy anymore of the pens, they too will come up missing..I am sure you will find many when you move.
@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
4 May 08
I have a huge collections of pens and it seems that as soon as i need one they all disappear! I have no clue how this happens. Maybe the pens sense that i need one of them and go off into hiding. I find it especially frustrating at the grocery store when I'm trying to cross things off my list!
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
4 May 08
I am like this too, I will go to write a check, and no pen.So I will have to ask the cashier if I can borrow her pen.I buy them all the time, and my granddaugher gives me alot to.Where in the world do they go?
@as2006 (5040)
• Israel
5 May 08
You need a box for pen
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
5 May 08
I do buty them buy the box, but stll lose them.
@as2006 (5040)
• Israel
5 May 08
So, I think that you need a constuctive solution.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
4 May 08
Yeah I have this probelm I remember when I use to go to school I lost a lot of pens and pencils. And thats why I couldnt find a lot of them in my house when I really needed them. Also the pens that I did find were bad and ran out of ink from not putting the cover on them and having them go dry a lot of times. Also the pencils that I find the erassers were really bad which made it annoying to do homework.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
4 May 08
Yea, I find alot of pens too that do not write, very frustrating.
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
Yes I have this problem too, when I go shopping I have in my bag my essentials which are my shopping list and a pen. I can guarantee that I will find the list, but not the pen!! At home I have pens everywhere, but when I want one none to be found. Mind you it does not help when my 6 year old boy has them to draw with because he never puts them back.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
4 May 08
Hi Gemini, i am the very same way. I have to borrow every cashiers pen to write out my checks.I have pens everywhere at home, but the right place. Yea, you are right children never put those pens back.
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
7 May 08
Don't you know about Pen Heaven. When you lose one it goes there with all the other pens. It is right next door to Sock Heaven and Lighter Heaven.
@manya_pearl (1901)
• Singapore
18 May 08
Haha... mr who always lost pen. You need to buy many packs of pens, color black and blue, or even the color pens. Hehe. Yeah, why not? You can put wherever you usually around. Near telephone, near toilet, two or three in dining room, three in living room, and maybe four in your bed room (you can use it to answer sudoku before go to sleep. hehe). Put also some in your bags... I think you will not have prob anymore. Gud luck!
@sun2day (1062)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
5 May 08
Ha, ha, I took pens from all my friends, it was just habitual. I would call myself a pen collector. Now I dont do that any more, but I love to buy pens. If am out and some ask for a pen, I usually can get them one, right now I have about 4-5 pens in my hand bag. I just throw them in and leave them there; they always come in handy.
• United States
4 May 08
Not teally, i have a pocket protector with 3 pens.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
26 May 08
all my pens can never be found either . my fiance has so many in his car . i dont know why he keeps taking them . i keep buying packs and who know where they go or where he will throw them