Can you be too tidy ?

@missbdoll (1165)
May 18, 2008 8:16pm CST
I work from home, and there things everywhere often, as I aswer emails, take photos, pack parcels.The othe week I decided to clen up my dest, so I put everything in what I thought was the best place, all very tidy and organised.Only thing I could not find one small bag of stock again after this,it only showed last when I finaly thought I rembered where it put it ! Can you ever be so tidy you cann't find things ?
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4 responses
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
19 May 08
Yes, I've done that many times. It is easier to be messy, I can find things that way. But, I do try to keep things put up.
@missbdoll (1165)
• Australia
19 May 08
I can sure agree with that.
31 May 08
As for me - I'm a little bit messy and things like this happen often to me, but my boyfriend says that if I learned to have a place for each thing and would put it there - then there wouldn't be a problem finding everything.
@musicman6 (2406)
• United States
29 May 08
Yes, this could be true, and the alternative is , I just try to keep everything handy where I can get to it when I need it, this would be more efficient!
@skaterx (530)
• Finland
28 May 08
Yeah, some people can be too tidy. Some people have a compulsive tidying disorder. As for you, I guess its just normal sometimes for everyone to forget one or two things they put away :P its totally normal I think, and nothing to worry about.