"Are you OK, only your face is SO red"

This is how red my face was this morning - Red in the face, not through exertion but through haste of making up my face!
@gemini_rose (16264)
June 9, 2008 7:41am CST
Monday is a day that I hate, it is always rush, rush, rush! This morning was no exception and I hastily put my make up on and got ready to take the kids to school. Not stopping to check my reflection at any point. Getting to school I saw a friend of sorts and she asked if I was walking up into town and I said yes I was. I could feel her looking at me and after a few minutes of wondering why she kept staring at me I looked at her questioningly. She says " Are you OK, only your face is SO red?" I wondered what on earth she was going on about so she lent me her little handbag mirror and when I looked in it I could not believe it. My face was RED. I had only gone and put too much blusher on, I looked like I had just been belted around the face a few times. I had to laugh though, thats what happens when one is rushing about. Come on friends, has anyone else had a make up disaster over the years, either in everyday life or on a night out?
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17 responses
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
9 Jun 08
LOL, you are funny gemini, maybe you don't turn on the lights when you're doing your make up or not looking on what you are doing..Anyway, I have not tried that since I don't use often a blusher, I can relate with my friend, I volunteer to put some on her face and she looks funny after the application, it was like someone was hitting her..ANyway, one time when I woke up late during the time I was still working, I forgot to wear my bra and when I got in the office, I had to phone my sister to bring me one..LOL!
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jun 08
hahahaha, you are funny gemini, I love it..LOL!
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Jun 08
I have done that before, forgot my bra. In those days though it mattered if I forgot my bra, since having four kids I just wear one now to make it look like I have a bust!
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@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
10 Jun 08
i don't really put make-up on my face so i never did experience blushing too much. i have a very sensitive face so i avoid putting anything that will aggravates its condition.
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
9 Jun 08
well sounds almost as bad as my day started my hubby left to take the kids to scholl an the neighbor called me out side to help an a wild pit bull got hold of my arm an tore it up pretty good god am I mad right now
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
10 Jun 08
no I wish i was go checkout my new post
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Jun 08
You are joking! Is your arm OK? that is awful.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
9 Jun 08
reason #492 of why i dont wear make-up ok sometimes i do.. but i think its been about 3 years since i dotted a little bit of eyeliner on lol so no.. ive never had a makeup disaster of any kind. question tho.. howd you put makeup on without ever looking into a mirror? or maybe thats why you wound up looking like someone slapped the hell out of you...? ..giggle;..
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Jun 08
Luckily I do not wear eyeliner ha! I was looking in the mirror but at the same time rounding the kids up. Lack of attention = slapped face look. I shall go in school tomorrow and everyone will be wearing the same look! I will have started a new trend.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
9 Jun 08
homey dont play that!!! ;bursts out laughing;
• United States
10 Jun 08
Most people have the case of the Mondays, lol. I agree that it's usually the most hectic day of the week, probably since it's the start of the week. Sometimes my hair wants to do it's own thing. So now I just wear a beanie hat most of the time. And since the air conditioner is on I wear it in the house. But that's a pretty funny story. Thanks for sharing.
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• South Korea
10 Jun 08
That's the reason why I'm spending so much putting make-up. I started putting make-up after I graduated from College. I loved it even from the first time. But that's a funny experienced by the way.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
10 Jun 08
well, disaster sometimes happen... :-) it happens to me as well... the worst is when i forget to change my sandals that i suppose just to wear at home and wear it to go out shopping... it is really embarrassing and i keep on hoping that nobody will notice it... that kind of things always happen when i am in a hurry... that's why now i try to give myself enough time to get ready whenever i want to go out... take care and have a nice day...
@lisado (1227)
• United States
9 Jun 08
That's the reason I never wear blush. I can never find the right shade or get it even. Foundation is the same way. Getting the right shade is almost impossible. I just wear eye makeup now, when I bother at all. I've been to lazy the past few years to put it on unless something special is going on.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I have done the lovely blunder of getting the wrong shade of foundation...and in the crappy lighting of the bathroom here I had no idea how far off I was until after I'd been seen by many people and had my picture taken...
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Jun 08
Oh yes the wrong shade foundation, I have done that so many times, and the best is when you get the big dark streaks under the chin and neck where it is too dark and has not blended in!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Awwww no that must of been a sight LOL I don't wear makeup so never had any make up disasters :)
@gemini_rose (16264)
9 Jun 08
On days like this, I wonder why I bother.
@ellie333 (21016)
10 Jun 08
LOL At least they couldn't see you getting embarrassed as your face was so red anyway. The only disaster one I can think of was when my girls were little I used to let they play by making my face and hair up in their own way and they had really gone to town with the lipstick and eyeshadow which weren't applied well and the door bell rang. I got up to answer it and the person the other side must have thought they had knocked on the door of a derrabged woman, salesman, and left very rapidly. They had backcombed my hair put little baubles in it and plastered my face worse than a clown bless. Worked to get rid of the salesman though eh! LOL. Ellie :D
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Jun 08
Ahh my daughter has not got to that stage yet! I will be prepared though now after reading this. Great way to get rid of those unwanted house callers though!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Jun 08
hi gemini rose yep I had an error with makeup a number of years back. I was still working at the library and 'after work I met my husband at the shopping center and we went to this little sandwich shop for something to eat. He looked at me and s aid, that pink eyeshadow' makes you look tired. wow and I had thought it looked really good. I just laughed it off and said,well maybe I am tired, after shelving books all day. but I changed 'eyeshadow color after that. lol.
@MichaelJay (1100)
10 Jun 08
I was going to an extremely posh and important (for work) reception and dinner. It was strictly collar and tie, of course, in a grand Torquay hotel. Loads of expensive frocks and sober business suits. Needless to say I was got up the same with a lovely silvery tie complimenting my white shirt, I thought. As I went outside for a breath of air before going into the reception a seagull with laser-guided bowels had me in its sights and PLOP! all down the front of my jacket and tie. Well, the suit sponged off ok and even dried pretty quick as it was a warm night but the tie was ruined and I didn't have another. I was a bit self conscious sitting at dinner like the 'no tie rebel' but as the night wore on mor and more men removed their ties and jackets as the weather was really humid.
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Jun 08
And don't you just love those seagulls. They have a lot to answer for, but then again, you could say that you set a trend that night. They all looked at you and thought "yes" we can finally relax.
• China
10 Jun 08
wow interesting. I am man,I do not make up,but I can feel you about the rush Monday.Yes I hate it most of week.we must wait wait ,until the weekend come again.
@mummymo (23706)
9 Jun 08
I have had too many makeup disasters to list honey! lol I never used to bother putting it on to go to school though or I would have had many more! lol I have only wore makeup once in the last year maybe that is why I haven't had more! xxx
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Funny, lol. I don't wear much make-up so there is not much room for disaster. I guess I can count my blessings;)
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
you know how those bronzers look cute in the magazine..i tried putting on my cheeks when i got out it looked dirty. i learned that bronzers are not for everybody. yours was a cute story..mine was err..stupidity hahaha