What makes a good friend?

@askin123 (206)
June 10, 2008 1:10pm CST
To me a good friend is someone who is always there for advice, always there to help and helps you out when your in trouble. A good friend to me is also someone who knows how to have fun the same way i do. What makes a good friend to you?
3 responses
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
11 Jun 08
My definition of a good friend is someone who is always honest, cares for you unconditionally and would never do anything malicious.
• India
10 Jun 08
A good friend is a second self. Who understand you very well and always think good about you. A good friend should be there to help you when ever you are in trouble.
@neph16 (3)
10 Jun 08
a good friend is someone who understands you, someone who is always there for you..