internet has bad effect on childrens

July 5, 2008 11:09pm CST
what do you people think about the effect of internet in small childrens as now a days each and every child knows how to use a computer system and what are the side effects of internet.kindly give me some suggestions to prevent childrens from it.
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6 responses
• India
7 Jul 08
I think internet has good effect on children. But parents of children of age under 15 should keep an eye on their children when they use internet. Children can learn many new things from net that they don't get from anywhere. If parents need they can use parental filtering to block adult oriented sites.
• Australia
7 Jul 08
It is necessary for the current world that every should learn about the technology and internet is closely related with that. Our children also should learn about the internet and its uses but you should aware about the bad thinks (link and adult) of internet. At the verry beggining parents should describe about the useful net of internet and bad things as well to their child. I think on their growing minds it will be helpful.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
6 Jul 08
I think it is a very good effect on children, it amazes me how fast children pick the whole idea of the internet up and I think when they can show older people how to work a computer it gives them confidence in themselves which is what a lot of kids need and it teaches them so much about the world, the whole world is available to them. I think it is a good thing.
• India
6 Jul 08
well i'm a sixteen year old and i know what you are trying to say..well internet has many bad effects on children...most of them are so much glued to their computers that they forget about there studies.their eyes also get weak.they have constant headaches and so on.but you can't ban the internet. you have to face it.
@qhwater (392)
• China
6 Jul 08
most of children like playing games in computer. but i do not think it is totally bad. playing games can develop their brain, to some extent. and also there are such wide knowledge in internet that children can learn as much as they can. but there must be have a limit. if they are too addict to games, things turn bad, i can see. so, parents should keep close eye to children when they are before computer.
@amigula (119)
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
to some extent i agree but not much. i todays senerios internet helps the children to gromm themselves and on the other side they get exposed to some stuffs which may be too early for them to know. so balance of both is required and for that parents palys an importnt role