Calluses and feet and what to try oh my!

Non callused feet! - Just what this mylotter ordered~
@mommyboo (13174)
United States
July 24, 2008 10:05am CST
Do you have calluses on your heels, toes, other areas of your feet? Can you recommend an inexpensive product that REALLY WORKS? I do get a pedicure from time to time in the summer, obviously not often enough if I'm asking this question. I just want to extend the life of it and not have to get them more often and keep my feet softer in general. I do know about using a pumice stone, slathering my feet in lotion or cream and wearing socks for awhile, but I spend a lot of time barefoot as well as in workout/running shoes. I am open to any ideas that have worked for you, as well as suggestions you haven't tried. Please share, my feet will thank you!
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3 responses
@mialei23 (2385)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
You can try to put some petroleum jelly in your foot it can be soften. Try warm water, soak it and massage it with lotion. Always wear a socks too when using rubber shoes or leather shoes. And AVOID bare footing my friend.
@lrglara (1334)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
try to submerge your feet in warm water (preferably hot water), when the skin soften, use the pumice stone and rub it. rinse, dry and put some lotion on it and wear socks. i would recommend for you to wear socks even at home, don't walk around barefoot! if you really want to get rid of your callous, that's the easiest way and the most cheap way i can think of. it worked for me.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
24 Jul 08
my feet too get very dry in the summer because of my flip flops and not wearing shoes. what i use is this stuff called foot butter. I found it a couple of weeks ago and it is the best thing i have ever used. it is only $6. it's by Dr. Shals. i know i spelled that wrong, but if you go to your local drup store. you will see it. it's in a purple jar. girl it works great. I use it ever night after i get out the shower and put on clean white socks when i get in the bed. then just a bit more in the morning. my feet are so soft and happy now