How to releive naseua

@joekid (87)
United States
September 6, 2008 7:43am CST
Does anyone know how to releive naseua due to anxiety?????
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2 responses
@jewl1126 (102)
• United States
6 Sep 08
How often and at what time of day do you feel nauseous? I have suffered from depression/anxiety for more than 10 years and have found drinking green tea a great help. Breathing exercises and the use of a focal point when breathing have also helped. Does your breathing become shallow and quick...that is normally where the nausea comes from. I hope this helps you best wishes.
@joekid (87)
• United States
6 Sep 08
It's been a week now, every morning when I wake up I feel naseous. I will try that thank you so much!!
@jewl1126 (102)
• United States
6 Sep 08
You are very welcome! Try to, at least, drink the green tea before you go to bed and get another one in you when you wake up. I drink it as often as I can throughout the day, but you don't have to really over do it. They have it in iced or hot tea...I normally drink the hot tea, it seems to help calm me and my stomach quicker.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
6 Sep 08
Try this site. The article should give you some idea of what this very simple technique can do. There is a free 'Getting Started' package available here:
@joekid (87)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Thank you!!!