Nine going on nineteen

@Hope32 (119)
United States
September 14, 2008 12:49am CST
My nine year daughter has a really bad attitude. When she was younger she would talk back to me and would slam her room door I told myself she would grow out of it, but she is getting worst. I have done everything I can do. Have any idea of way I can punish her?
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3 responses
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
14 Sep 08
Well try to find a way to communicate with her , if things really get worse prehaps you could get a specialist to help out before things get worse .
@Hope32 (119)
• United States
14 Sep 08
That a good idea!! Thanks
@rakittera (802)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
my mom used to slap my face whenever I would answer back when she scolds me. And when I slam the door on her, she just enters my room and slaps me on the face some more. I can't recommend you to do the same thing, but it worked fine on me. She has to understand that what she's doing is disrespecting you. And she has to realize that this is wrong. But the good news is, you're right. This is just a phase. My mom and I were like that during my adolescent years. But I did grow out of it. When I turned 18, things were better between me and my mom. It's just that at that age, we have some things that we cannot understand like, why do i have to get home at 6pm when my friends are allowed to go out till 8pm? Why does mom make it a big deal when I'm spending hours on the phone talking to my friends? These questions are just some of the things your daughter cannot understand and she's acting up by slamming the door at you. So, my suggestion is, when you reprimad her about something, explain to her why in a calm manner. This may still be unacceptable to her but explaining in a calm manner will ease the tension between you two.
@Hope32 (119)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I have tried the slap in the face!! It worked for a while. I hope the phase ends today. Thanks
@buenavida (9985)
• Sweden
11 Apr 09
One reason for behaving badly can be the diet. Try this, if it is possible: take away all white sugar from her diet. Eating sugar can cause depression and in children bad behavior - yes, in adults too.. If she eats junk food, fries or other heated fats, take that away from her diet too. Her brain needs Omega3 from fish or cold pressed fish oil and cold pressed vegetable oils (one good source is unheated nuts).. Also a good rule from the Bible, let your Yes mean Yes and No mean No. Children need consistent behavior from their parents and this is the only way to get respect from them. You may have tried it already, but together with the right diet it may help. If you take away some privileges, when she behaves badly, and give them back when she behaves well, could be one way to help her understand.