My older kids say I've gotten lax

United States
September 14, 2008 3:03am CST
I have 5 kids. Their ages are 28, 26, 21, 16, and 15. My two oldest kids say that I've gotten really lax with my youngest. They swear even the 21 yr old had it alot easier than they did. I admit that I was a bit stricter on the older ones for some reason. I have quite a bit of trouble with my 2 younger and the oldest say that is why. I dont feel they get by with alot more but I do see what my kids are saying because they had alot more responsibility when they were younger than these kids do. Does anyone else have this problem? Do you think we just grow tireder with each child?
3 responses
@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
14 Nov 08
i think this can happen very easley.i think as parents we get tired and things start to change.i have triplets that are 6 years old this is there first year in school i have worked sense they were born.i thought things would be easyer when they got in school but man are we ever busy.i am very tired already .i try to pay close attention to this because i dont want to slack off on my parent skills i still have a long way to go. but yea this is one of my number one concerns.
• United States
17 Sep 08
Well I think that the older ones had more responsibilities. normally this happens, it's that way in my house. When there are younger children the older ones need to help out, that's the way it has been since the beginning of time. It's hard to have that many kids, I have 5 myself. The mess is bigger, which means the kids have to learn to pick up after themselves. Also we learn from our mistakes. We try it out on the oldest and if it doesn't work we try something else on the next one. The younger ones probably just didn't have the responsibilities your older ones have had, there for they aren't as responsible when it comes to the decisions they have to make in everyday life. I would say that is most likely what has happened.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I think what your older children are saying is true, that you are probably more laxed with the younger ones. When my younger brother was born, the age range of the siblings were, 13, 15 and 16. I was the 13 year old. My mother and father let my younger brother get away with things that we would not have even thought of. He was very spoiled, because we as siblings spoiled him as well. When we were of age, we had to work and buy our own first car, my younger brother was given a car, and my father is the tightest person with the wallet I know. My brother did things that if we had done we would have been punished, but he was able to get away with it. I think that happens with all families who have children with such age differences.