what do you think about pittbulls?

@BriNbai (912)
United States
September 16, 2008 3:30pm CST
What do you think about pittbulls in general?Do you think they are a safe pet to have?I always hear about how pittbulls atack their owners and how they are used in fights..I had a male pittbull and he was very gentle my chihuahua is actually more of a danger than he was.So what do you think about them?would you own one?
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6 responses
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I don't like pitbulls and wouldn't own one. I may get my head bitten off for saying this but I haven't heard any good stories about pitbulls. All have been about how agressive they are and how they go after kids. My brother-in-law has one and I won't go to their house partly because of the dog. I am deathly afraid of them and I am a dog lover and owner.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I've had a dog all my life and that's a very long time..lol My favorite is a Pekingese. Right now we have a Dashaund and he is just a wonderful pet. So I am a pet lover. We also have a cat. I agree that owners need to be gentle with any animal but all I've seen on tv is where pitbulls chased an innocent child and about half killed the kids. Guess I can blame the media.
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@BriNbai (912)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I've heard this a couple of time because everyones so scared of all the stories you hear about pitbulls.I understand that they are agresive in nature but if your brother has treated the dog right and has done the right things as a dog owner then there is no reason for you to be scared of his dog.But im glad that you aren't scared of other breeds and your still a dog lover
• United States
21 Sep 08
Some of it is the media. But there are vicious dogs out there. There are people who train their dogs to fight, like the Michael Vic case, and if these dogs get out sometimes they are vicious to people, but mostly to other animals. It all comes in the training. Sometimes people get pits and have no idea how to train them. Someone said something about high-energy dogs, and they certainly are. They need a lot of exercise. And they need to be socialized to other people and animals. My pit got along fine with everyone, and it's a good thing because I had people coming in and out of the house all day. She loved people. Except for the mailman. What is it with dogs and uniforms, anyway? Training is everything. And lots of love. Never hit a pit, or any other dog for that matter. Pits have great memories.
@sidyboy (284)
• United States
17 Sep 08
I've worked with dogs for over 13 years, and never once did I have a problem with a Pit Bull- and when I meet them they're not usually in the best of mood either. I see them when they come in for boarding, which can be a very stressful situation for a dog. Some are absolutly terrified their first time, but have I been bitten? No. With all honesty, I will tell you that I am more intimidated by a Toy Poodle than a Pit Bull...those Poodles are quick! lol
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@sidyboy (284)
• United States
17 Sep 08
I had a toy poodle bite me once just for sneezing! She had come in for boarding and was scared- I talked to her for quite awhile and finally got her to come to me, had her in my lap and was petting her- then I sneezed and she bit me and ran to the other end of her kennel lol
@BriNbai (912)
• United States
17 Sep 08
A toy poodle?! lol..thats so funny I would not want to get atacked by one of those..I am glad to hear that you work with dogs. I got bit by a chihuahua before but never a pitbull ..thanks for responding!
• United States
21 Sep 08
Little dogs are definitely more skittish than big ones, unless the big ones have been abused. I was bitten by my pit once, but I accidentally got in the middle of Bandit, my pit, and Annie, my dobie. They fought over me. Bandit bit me in the thigh, but she immediately knew her mistake and let go and acted so sorry I couldn't be mad. I just got her out of the room and closed the door so they wouldn't fight anymore. The wounds weren't very deep, so I took care of them myself. Of course, she had all her shots, so all I had to worry about was infection.
@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I believe it all depends on the upbringing of the dog and it also depends on an owner that understands dogs. It is true that you can take a normally gentle dog and abuse it and turn it into a very dangerous dog. People must understand that there are some breeds that are more energetic and more agressive by nature, but that doesn't mean they are more dangerous or bad dogs. I have four dogs, three of which are rescues, and my newest and largest dog is, I think, a mix of German Shepherd and Rottweiler, two aggressive breeds. She had been abused and neglected and not fed properly. One night when I first took her in, she attacked my smallest dog when she was trying to drink from the water dispenser, probably just being protective of her water and food. Fortunately, she didn't hurt my smallest dog. But, after a short period of time, she learned that the other dogs would not be a threat to her and that in my house she would have plenty of food and water and plenty of love and now she and my smallest dog are like best buddies, they are virtually inseparable. My point is that any dog, if raised properly, and given plenty of love and the necessities, can be a friend for life.
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@BriNbai (912)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I really like the fact that so ma ny people are rescuing dogs and other animals.It isreally a great thing.And Icompletly agree with everything you say..As long as ANY dog gets the love and necesities they will be an overall good dog.
16 Sep 08
I have a 6 year old pitbull named jada who is the sweatest mst loveable dog. she has never barked at any one inthe fmaily. she is great around kids. she is the biggest baby. my mother makes her baccon and eggs for breakfast on the weekends. she has to be covered up with a blanket in her bed at night. and we have to leave the tv on for her when we are not home. And im April i got a red nosed pitbull named Cora who is now almost 8 months old and she is also the biggest sweatheart. its how you treat them. and i thik people shouldnt be so quick to judge the breed. i get alot of stares and questions about my pitbulls. but some people are just ignorant towards them.
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@BriNbai (912)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I know what your saying about people being ignorant towards them.my mom was so nervous to be around pitbulls before we got our,but then she started warming up to him and know my mom loves pitbulls too.LOl I think my dog was a bigger baby then yours ever will be..LOL jk..
@xcammiex (272)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I've had a pit of my own and rescued a couple and fostered them. I must say they were probably my most loving dogs. They knew exactly how you were feeling and would try to cheer you up if you were sad by being little goofballs on the floor. If all else failed, they would put their heads on your lap and look up at you with an expression that seemed to say, "don't worry. whatever is going on with you, I'm here, and I don't plan on leaving." Very, very sweet dogs. That being said, three out of four of my pits were very dog aggressive. I think the breed has a tendency, but the pits I rescued were brought up that way, which is why they were so bad. I had one pit that I rescued at a 6 months so I was able to socialize her out of it. She ended up playing with 3 month old puppies without a problem.
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@BriNbai (912)
• United States
16 Sep 08
That is really a good thing that you are able to rescue and foster dogs..I really do aplaud you for that. I know exactly what your talking about the whole head on your lap thing.My dog used todo that put his big huge head on my lap and even though he was a huge dog he thought he was still a baby..lol I am glad you were able to socialize some of the dogs but I know that sometimes it is imposible with the ones that have been mistreated..which is really sad :[
• United States
21 Sep 08
I rescued my pit, Bandit, because she was tied to an oak tree in the front yard of her owners' home with no water in reach (because she wound her leash around the oak), and no food except table scraps once a day, and not very much of that. The owners warned me she was vicious. She wasn't. She used to do the head in lap thing. lol. So cute. Also, when I got her she wasm't spayed, so we ended up with pit/shepherd mix puppies. She had her own room and puppy box to whelp in, but she decided the living room sofa was the place for the pups. She did give me time to put down a shower curtain and blanket so she didn't ruin the couch. She and my dobie used to fight until I figured out what the problem was--they were fighting over me. If I wasn't in the house, everything was great. They were best friends. If I was there, they fought viciously. When I moved into rental housing I had to give my dogs away. I hope they found good homes. I miss them.
• United States
21 Sep 08
Pitbulls are my second favorite dogs. German Shepherds are first. I also love Rottweilers. Pits can be safe to have. I had a female I rescued from an abusive situation. She was a lap dog. However, they are sometimes overly protective. You have to train them just like you would any big dog. They have to be socialized with other dogs and people so they won't distrust or attack just anyone. The dogs that are agressive are not socialized and are usually protecting something. We may not be able to figure out what they're protecting, but that's usually the problem. If there are 2 or more running together, they're usually protecting each other. This isn't them being vicious. We just don't understand their priorities. The owners must take responsibility for any attacks on others because it is usually the owners' fault in the long run.
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