Good day or bad one today?

@eveeee (659)
September 17, 2008 2:27pm CST
For me today has been a pretty bad day. It started with me waking a bit late and having to rush to work. When I got there I found out a young boy in our after school club had a fall yesterday from the climbing frame, and broke his thumb and got concussion. Although we were not at fault, it has meant a day of phonecalls, reporting incidents and calming parents. We then had a new family start, and I had serious concerns about the level of care the children in the family are receiving, and have been busy writing further reports up. Both incidents upset me quite alot, and made me feel a bit down. Our lady who works in the office answering the phone got stroppy with me for sitting on 'her' chair.. Oh excuse me... obviously as the deputy manager I have no right to sit down in the shared[b][/b] office. I couldn't wait to leave today, and got into my car, starting driving home, and ended up in major roadworks and hold ups. What should have taken 15 minutes to drive home took nearly an hour in the end. I got so fed up too, as the road we were on was narrowing from two lanes to one, and there were plenty of signs to say this. I was getting seriously peed with people hairing up the second lane, and then barging there way in at the front, where as all of us in this lane were at a stand still for ages. Maybe I was over reacting due to the stress of the day, but all I kept thinking was that if they were in a shop and there were a big long queue of people waiting patiently would they just stroll up and barge in at the front? Then , yes there's more, I get home to find rubbish all over my front garden from a torn open rubbish bag. Yuck! I get in an hour late, after working from 7.30am to 6.15pm and all I want is a cuppa. But I find 7p left on the electric metre, so figure that I needed to go and buy some more or we would be plunged into darkness, so back out to go up the shop. Now I am finally relaxing, after preparing dinner for my son and I and am looing forward to a nice meal. I am keeping everything possible crossed that the rest of the evening (Its now 8.15pm here) goes ok and I get to bed without any more stress. Wow, I feel better for telling everyone now! They say it's good to talk don't they. Maybe I need to have my dinner and get an early night, to save there being too much time for any other problems today. So what about everyone else? Good day, bad day and why?
3 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 08
Sometimes to get it off your chest, have a rant, rave or just talk about it makes all the difference, you tend to bottle things up so it's nice to have a medium to be able to 'offload' if you like. I hope tomorrow will be better, the good thing is that we can say goodbye to the day we've had and start afresh tomorrow. I woke up feeling blue today and grouchy, but having gone to the gym and did a 70 minute work out I felt so much better! I find that exercise does me the world of good and does wonders for the depression. Must be all those happy chemicals the brain releases when you exercise!
@eveeee (659)
17 Sep 08
I forgot to also mention that my car alarm went off twice while at work and it seemed someone had tried forcing the back door open. But I suppose I should look positive here that they didn't take anything or damage anything. You're right about exercise being good at getting rid of depression. I don't go to the gym, but keep active, and I find that the more active I can be during a day, the better I usually feel. Maybe tonight I shall do some exercise before bed, to see if it helps me cheer up and sleep well. Also I feel alot better for having my rant thanks. Nice to have somewhere I can rant, where people can choose to ignore me if they wish to.. . See I am laughing now. Emotions like a rollercoaster me.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 08
Don't mention that word, rollercoaster! That describes my life! LOL!
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@eveeee (659)
17 Sep 08
Lol. I answered another discussion on the title of your book, if I wrote one, and I had said on there I would call it 'The Rollercoaster Spiral' which I thought summed it up quite well. Have to admit though I sort of enjoy the ride, and at least life isn't boring.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
17 Sep 08
That sucks I hope you have a better day tomorow. Well I had a good day I went to class which was okay today. Then I had a pretty good workout after which is always good. So it was a good day even though nothing great happend to me today but nothing bad either.
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@eveeee (659)
17 Sep 08
Thanks. I intend on it being a better one tomorrow. Glad to hear yours was a good one. You are the second person to mention exercise/work out and the benefits. I wish I had the time to do the same. I am beginning to seriously think though that I should make the time for a daily workout. I live quite a stressful life so this would probably help me to burn off calories and also relax at the same time. Hope tomorrow is another good one!
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
17 Sep 08
Everyone have their good days and bad days, well today was a good day coz nothing bad actually happend LOL it is inter-Dependant on each other!
@eveeee (659)
17 Sep 08
Glad to hear of people having a good day. I love the logic of it being a good one as nothing bad has happened. I love days like that!