Do you use chapstick , lip gloss , blistex ?

September 23, 2008 11:58am CST
Do you use any of this for dry lips and does it really help ? How long have you been using this and do you feel that you have become addicted to the stuff ?
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16 responses
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I've used lipgloss for years - probably since I was a teen in the dinosaur days. I only started using chapstick in the last few years, when I moved back to the north and cold winters. (Thanks...there's yet another reason I hate living in the north.)
2 people like this
• Canada
23 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
@angela38 (122)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I have not used chap stick or lip gloss in several years. Over the years I have devewl,oped such a allewrgy to things I just do not use it in case I am allergic.
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• United States
23 Sep 08
I use blistex but I'm not entirely sure it helps. When my lips are really chapped, in the winter mostly, blistex feels like it's helping because it kind of tingles, but I'm not sure exactly how much good it really does!
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• Canada
23 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
• Canada
24 Sep 08
No i used to use chapstick and sometimes blistex but it is not something i buy anymore. I will buy it in the winter when my lips feel dry. I do use lip gloss though cause I like the way it makes my lips shine and I like the feel of it too. I am not addicted to id though cause I only use it when I want to and it doesn't bother me if I don't use it all the time. I like to wear it going out but wear it around the house sometimes if I have people coming over.
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• Canada
24 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
24 Sep 08
I use lipbalm almost everyday. It makes my lips look full and healthier.
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• Canada
24 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
23 Sep 08
This is too weird, I have tried several times to use chapstick when my lips get real dry especially in the winter time and it never fails I always end up with a cold sore so I threw the whole works in the garbage.
• Canada
23 Sep 08
Proabably best for you because I swear they put something in them to cause you to become addicted especially in the blistex ones . I don't know if you have ever tried a little vaseline when your lips are dry but they recommended this once when my daughter was really small and her lips were crapped so bad they were bleeding . Thank you for your response .
• Canada
24 Sep 08
Yes I have tried Vaseline and it works for me. Thank You.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I used Carmex when I was I just use flavor though...I just like it plain.... There were times I thought I couldn't live without it...My husband would say, "Okay already, do you think you have enough on?" Then we laughed until our sides ached...I told him I was just making sure....LOL
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• Canada
24 Sep 08
My husband would so love for me to give it up because he really hates the stuff :) Thank you for your response .
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Mine won't let me kiss him when I wear it...Ewwwwww he says.... Thanks for best response...*smiles*
@34momma (13882)
• United States
23 Sep 08
i am addicted to blistex. i almost always have three or four in my purse. i like the ones that come in the little bluse jar. i have to put it on after i brush my teeth, or under my lipstick if i wear some that day. it's just my favorite. i know have my two boys hooked on it too
• Canada
23 Sep 08
That is the same one I am addicted to as well . I have so many of them around the house because it is so bad that if I am even running low , I end up with a headache because I know that if I don't have any that my lips will burn so bad . My little's ones think it is a lot of fun to put it on because they see Mommy doing this and my husband doesn't want them using it at all because he doen't want them to become addicted like me . My youngest is terrible for finding one and wasting the whole jar on her lips if I forget and leave one lying around where she can reach it . The last time I went and bought some , I wanted to be sure I would have enough for awhile because they don't always have the blue jar ones when I go in and I am not as fussy on the white jar ones and it ended up costing me thirty five dollars . I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I left the store , I really need to get away from this stuff :) Thank you for your response .
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
23 Sep 08
yes i use lip gloss and yes, i am addicted to it. i now hate the feeling when my lips are dry and i have also heard that cheap lipgloss is so not good for you because it leaches nasty chemicals into your system, so i am careful what i buy.
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• Canada
23 Sep 08
I know what you mean , I buy the blistex all the time and wish I had never started because I am so addicted to it now that I am unable to go without my lips chapping so bad that they bleed . Thank you for your response .
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
23 Sep 08
[i]Hi sam, I am using lip gloss and chapstick but only when I need to! Not everyday basis, so I know I am not addicted but I love it! LOL![/i]
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• Canada
24 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I only use it when my lips are chapped really bad. I normally use Chapstick or Blistex. I have some Carmex too. I hate lip gloss. I don't think it really helps chapped lips.
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• Canada
24 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
4 Apr 11
Hi. samtaylorskykierajen. I use all of them. But I use chapstick and Blistex more. They really work into making my lips look supple and moist. The Blistex has SPF15 in it too. It works on healing my chapped and dried lips. I love chapstick because it is a life saver.
@khatri_50 (225)
• India
23 Sep 08
I will have to use chapstick in the dry season of oct,nov, and dec because in these days my lips become dry and blood start from it . if i donot to so it does not look nice.
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• Canada
23 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
@srikandi19 (3391)
• Kuta, Indonesia
23 Sep 08
yes. i use lips since my age 15 old. when i do makes lips i felt more prettier and beauty. But i wear it when take a trip and stroll. if i at house i don't make lips. the lips can help to beauty.
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• Canada
23 Sep 08
Thank you for your response .
@smtongco (28)
• Philippines
27 May 11
I use chapstick lip balm before. but now I am using Nivea, i think it's more effective. it cures my chappy lips and giving me a red lips :)
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
I rarely use this stuff, and I really don't have dry lips often, but I am very fond of lipsticks.
@seeths (413)
24 Sep 08
I use lip gloss whenever I feel like and I mainly use it during the winter time out here.Otherwise I prefer to be natural and use lille bit of lipstick when I go out. Regards