If You Ever THought You Were A Bad Mother, Think Again...This Woman Wins!!!

October 25, 2008 4:12pm CST
Gosh, this woman will let her daughter do just about anything to keep her from bothering her at home. How sad is that? So, her daughter can be a tabacco smoking drunken sexually active pot head and as long as she's (cough, cough) good at home and doesn't drive her mother nuts, than she can be all these things and more. How sad is that? Is this what this world has come to? It really shows the signs of the last days as we can see at 2 Timothy 3: 1&2 "But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves (the mother falls under this catagory if you ask me), lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents (the daughter falls under this catagory), unthanksful, disloyal." The scriptures go on to mention here, those without self control and those who are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, which clearly both mother and daughter fit into... I just find it so sad that a mother would find nothing wrong with a 13 year old acting this way. It just makes me not only angry but very sick to my stomach. I, for one, think that this little girl should be taken away from this woman and this woman should be made to be sterile...ugh...I mean, after all these kids are our future society. Is this really how we want our future prodagies to be taught? Here's the link to the article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1079262/The-mother-gets-13-year-old-behave--giving-cigarettes.html What do you think about this mother, is she doing right by her daughter or is she just making it easier on herself?
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5 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Wow, that woman has issues. Letting her daughter run wild so being a parent will be easier on her? I hope that they have social services where she lives and they get called on her now that this story is in print.
2 people like this
• Turkey
26 Oct 08
I agree, this child needs to be taught proper discipline because as of right now, all she's learning is how to be screwed up. It's just sick and I feel scared for what kind of a adult this girl is going to turn out to be. It's really scary!
@BinaryKat (735)
• United States
25 Oct 08
This woman needs to be put under the jail. How can she think she is doing right by her daughter by letting her do what she wants??? When you are that age, you need structure and discipline. Some people should not be allowed to have kids.
2 people like this
• Turkey
26 Oct 08
I competely agree, it's just so sick. At one point in the article it states that she thinks it's cute. HELLO!!! It's not cute, it's CRAZY! Some people just should not have kids...
• Canada
29 Oct 08
Ok well on one hand I can understand why she is putting up with it but one paragraph stuck in my head was "'Hopefully these teachers will be stricter and she will finally get the discipline that's needed.'" This woman needs to be the disciplinarian not the teachers at her kid's school. The smokes I can't say much about because my mother supported my habit at 13 yrs old but the rest would be a no go for me. If my son/daughter came home and told me he/she was doing those things he/she would be grounded. Even if my daughter shows no signs that she is sexually active once she gets her period she will be put on birhtcontrol. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean they aren't doing it and I do not believe in abortion so in my opinion it is better to be safe than sorry.
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• Turkey
30 Oct 08
I agree! She's depending on teachers to do her parental job for her and that's just ridiculous! I know that when I was in Jr. high and high school, some of the teachers were worse than the students. So, she's going to have a problem if she depends on teachers to teach her daughter to behave herself. It's crazy! As for smoking when young, well, I just think that's crazy! My mom had a started when she was a little older and she smoked for twenty years. She stopped about a decade ago. However, when she had a triple bypass surgery s few years ago, they said there could still be complications due to her smoking for so many years. I can't imagine what this girl's lungs will look like when she's my mom's age. People don't realize what they do to their bodies when they smoke for that long or at all for that matter. However, I don't want this to turn into a smoking discussion and so, I will leave it at that...
• United States
25 Oct 08
That poor child... She's not getting the disipline she deserves and needs. Seems like she's acting out for attention and to see how far she can take it. Even though she does everything she wants- she's not happy, you can tell by the activities she decides to engage in. Children need disipline and limits. One thing that the mother says at the end of the article doesn't make sense: "Hopefully these teachers will be stricter and she will finally get the discipline that's need". She's depending teachers to disipline her child? She should be sent to jail for child neglect.
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• Turkey
26 Oct 08
It's just so sad! This woman is so selfish that she will let her daughter do just about anything she wants, just so that she can have it easy. It's just pathetic and this girl definitely needs be taken from her before it's too late and she becomes an adult who repeats the same pattern of parenting...
• United States
27 Oct 08
That mother should be really sorry for not taking the time to discipline her, in fact that the daughter sleeps around and smokes and pretty much do anything she wants is really going to face reality that the world is not all fun and games. Yet I am not surprised the girl has not yet have AIDS but will soon face the world of STDS.
• Turkey
27 Oct 08
I completely agree. It's definitely not teaching her how life really is and how hard it can be at times. It's not really preparing her for life. It's just sad all around I'm afraid...