spending a lifetime together

@winterose (39887)
November 26, 2008 10:09pm CST
today is my aunt and uncle's 53rd anniversary they got married when I was 9 months old. My own marriage only lasted 4 years. most marriages don't last as long as they used to, so many divorces. How long are you married, and who do you know that has been married the longest and what is their or your secret for a successful marriage?
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29 responses
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
27 Nov 08
happy anniversary to your uncle and aunt, may they have many many more years of lovong and cuddling together. i am married for six years now and me and my wife have a son, whose picture appears as my avatar. so far so good. we lived together for 3 years before we got married. we have are short comings and inperfection but so far so good. hope me and my wife can celebrate a 53rd anniversary just like your aunt and uncle
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@GardenGerty (158333)
• United States
27 Nov 08
My dad - My dad and his wife have been married twenty five years. He and my mom were married a little longer than that, then got a divorce. He is the marrying kind, and was married twice and engaged once in between my mom and Grandma Charlotte ( his wife now, lovely lady)
Yesw, fifty three years is a good lenghth. My grandparents on mom's side would have been married seventy years if grandpa had lived a couple more years. I think they mostly stayed together because it was a promise, and they kept promises.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Nov 08
great 7th bird, I hope you stay married for a life time as well. Garden gerty that is amazing
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
27 Nov 08
That is great about your aunt and uncle and I wish them many more happy times together. I got married as a young teenager, he is 7 yrs. older than me and we have been married 40 years. I feel like I have been married all my life. haha I don't know what or if there is a secret for our successful marriage. We do not aruge or fight, we do have disagreements at times but we get them worked out. I am not sure if we have just become a habit to each other?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
I think you have a very successful marriage.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
27 Nov 08
It is true that all marraiges are not so long lived. But in our part of world, you will get to see many marriages that are too long. it happens. but now many are getting divorced easily.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
thank you for your response
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
27 Nov 08
That is wonderful. I have been with my husband for 16 years. We met on Thanksgiving Day, which is today, 16 years ago. We have been married for thirteen years now, will be 14 years in July of 2009. I don't know of anyone who is happily married for more years than that. Their spouses usually passed away and they remarried.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
yes steph that is wonderful
@ElicBxn (63270)
• United States
27 Nov 08
I have never been married, but the roomie's folks have been for 49 years last Halloween. My folks would've still been married and I think it would be like 61 or so years if dad were alive.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Nov 08
It is wonderful to see people stay married for so long.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
27 Nov 08
Well that is really nice I wish them many more years together. I have been married for 7 years, whether I make it to 8 remains to be seen at the moment and I wish I knew the secret to a successful marriage but I really do not! I think my parents are the only people I know to have been married for ages 36 years I think maybe I should ask them what their secret is!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
good idea rose
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Nov 08
I had 42 1/2 years with hubby before he passed away. My mom and dad was close to their 53 when he passed away. I love mine adn did all I coulds for him for he worked alot of hours. I was there for him and his family as much as I could be. and I had 2 kids by him. I never lied to him and he knew all about what I did before we met I just told him that was in the passed and it would stay there.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Nov 08
very good advice Lakota
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Nov 08
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
That is really cool! Not many people stay married for long these days. People seem to be always in a hurry to bailout from an ailing relaitonship! Staying together for 53 years is really awesome. My parents have been married for almost 40 years too. They had their ups and downs but they always manage to work things out. Not many people manage to do that in their marriage.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
yes being able to stay married so long is something these days.
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
27 Nov 08
Hi winterose, That's wonderful regarding your aunt and uncle. I too had aunts and uncles (all deceased now), who were married for over fifty years. Amazing! I was only married almost four years, due to the sudden passing of my husband. A couple that comes to mind, are 'our dear weemam' and her hubby. They've just celebrated forty seven years married, a couple of weeks ago. They've been through a lot together, and are still a happy couple. I consider weemam a dear friend here, and from what I can tell, even though the going got tough at times, they've been determined to get through it together. By the way, I've just received the notification for this in my in box. Frustrating. There must be some sort of glitch again. Take care.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
yes almost fifty years is wonderful in today's day and age,
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• Canada
28 Nov 08
• United States
28 Nov 08
My husband and I will have been married 44 years next month, his brother and his wife got married one week before we did. The secret to being married this long, lolol, it's cause we were way too stubborn to admit to having made a mistake. Seriously, a very large part has been our religious beliefs. As I read the bible I don't find in there anything about marrying the one you love but there is lots about loving [respecting and honoring] the one you are married to. There have been ups and downs, good times and bad--------but under it all is the firm foundation of 'we committed to this' that has held us together more than once. I do have to add that this is my second marriage and my husband was in a 4 year relationship that failed before we found each other.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
thanks for your words of wisdom adding to this discussion hon.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Nov 08
My husband and I will be married for 14 years come this February. My own parents were married for 20 years before they got divorced. My in-laws marriage is the longest that I know of. They had their 44th anniversary this past year. It would have been 45 years this January, but my father-in-law passed away back in August. I think the secret to a successful marriage is love and compromise.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Nov 08
very nice what is your secret?
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 Dec 08
We put up with each other!
• Italy
28 Nov 08
I am still alone but i wann have a good married life for whole life like my parents have they are together from last 30 years.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Nov 08
you will find somebody good someday my friend.
• China
28 Nov 08
Hey, congrts to your aunt and uncle. That's really great as divoices are now so common and seem becoming a fad. My parents have been married for about 40 years and they are loving companions, though they often dispute and fight, I know they love each other, heehee. As for me, I am still not ready for marriage. Maybe I am yet to that phase of marriage and kids. My bf is urging me for marriage, lol, I love him and I know from my heart that he is a great man to spend the rest of life with but I am really really not ready. It seems such a heavy thing to do and marrige is not like love, not that easy.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
how long have you been with your boyfriend?
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
28 Nov 08
wow... congratulations to your aunt and uncle.... my hubby and I we're married for about 12 years (through judge), 11 years (church wedding)... we do have our ups and downs, just 3 years ago we thought we're gonna separate, but i guess, with God's help, we're still living with each other and as of now, we are starting all over again. my parents have been married for 45 years and still with each other. Though, problems will never go away, they still argue with each other but afterwards, love will still prevail...
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
that is absolutely wonderful my friend.
• Pakistan
27 Nov 08
not married yet but i will be in the next year and hope that my relationship will last long like your aunt and uncle's ^^ wish me luck ^_^
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
congratulations on your marriage my friend
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
27 Nov 08
First of all congrats to your aunt and uncle! I hope to live long enough to see my 50th anniversary, I have no doubt that if we both live that long we will see it together. We have been married for 24 years, got remarried this last April. We have been together for 26 years. He was 14 and and I was 16 when we met. Funny thing is he said he knew I was the one. Me, I couldnt stand him at first but he wore me down! LOL! So glad that he did, he is my everything! Along with out family that is!!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
I am so happy for you.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
27 Nov 08
my hubby and i have been married for 21 years. we got married a little later in life (i had just turned 26 and he was 25) so we knew what we wanted. it is not impossible to make a marriage last this long, you just need to work together.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
no it is not impossible but some marriages were never meant to be unfortunately
@Anne18 (11029)
27 Nov 08
This is a lovely story. You don't hear many lovely stories like this these days with divorces being easier to get these days. I hope they have many more years together
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
yes I certainly do
• India
27 Nov 08
I have celebrated my 27th anniversary this year and I hope to be albe to celebrate my golden jubilee too some day. I love my wife dearly and will always love her. I wonder why thre are so many divocrces these days. People are getting more an dmore intollerant or they are getting more and more self centred. i think they it is a result of the fast paced life today. People are so busy earning a living that they have no time for each other. when they are together they are so tired that theyexpect more from their partner rather than being willing to give off their best. Who will make food? Who will do th elaundry? who will tidy up the house? Who will loook afte the children? Both are tired. love goes out of the window. answer is - just slow down. Take things easy. Life is for living not jsut for earning. Life is for loving and not for hating snd fighting.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
congrats on such a great marriage and thank you for your good advice
• China
27 Nov 08
I'm not married.But I also want to say some words.Love is a very romandic word in my heart,surely,also in your heart.I think the feeling is different in our heart,you probably think matrrage is a nesessary style of life,real?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Nov 08
thank you for you comments my friend.