i want pie:)

@katemeow (847)
January 5, 2009 10:55pm CST
I have been watching season 1 of pushing daisies lately and suddenly have the craving for pie:) How can I not crave for pie when there is a big pie shaped store in the set. Also they show different types of pie I really want a nice peach cream pie or an apple pie with vanilla ice cream on the side What about you? What is your favorite pie flavor?
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4 responses
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I don't have a favorite pie. It depends on what time of day it is. hahaha Sometimes I do want chocolate, coconut or lemon, then other times maybe a buttermilk pie or pumpkin, then there are those times when a slice of apple pie or cherry pie would be so good to have. I don't eat pie too often but when it comes to deciding what I want it takes me awhile to make up my mind.
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@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
6 Jan 09
i don't eat pies very often as well because pies aren't common here - unless you want the mcdonald's type! LOL. I am having so many food cravings now from all the american TV shows that i am watching! The last time it was cake from watching an old friends episode then sugary cereal with milk from the big bang theory and now pie because of pushing daisies strangely, the local shows do not have this effect on me
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I could narrow it down to a top 10, maybe even a top 5, but it is not possible to settle on just one flavor of pie as a favorite. I'll have just the ice cream thank you, as that is easier than trying to choose. Unless you happen to have a slice of lemon mascarpone cake, in which case I would have that.
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@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
6 Jan 09
yes, it is really difficult to choose just one favorite with all those yummy flavors around i don't think i have ever tried lemon mascarpone yet, but it sounds yummy! actually, anything lemon appeals to me sadly, i don't see pies often here but i would really love to have one right now.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
6 Jan 09
I enjoy Dutch apple pie. It's apple pie that has a "crumble topping" on top instead of a crust!! Looooove it! When Strawberries are in season and fresh ones are used, I love strawberry pie!!Mmmmm....................now I'm getting so hungry!
@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
6 Jan 09
so that's what its called! I always thought that the apple pie with the yummy crumbly crust was called french apple pie... i guess i got the country wrong i also love that type of pie crust better than the usual flat one. My aunt makes a really good dutch apple pie. wish i can have a slice right now!
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
6 Jan 09
Oh, yeah! Warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Apple pie with vanilla ice cream....YUMMY!!!! I want some.