I love my vegetables!

January 11, 2009 10:35am CST
How many of you here are vegetarians? AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, how many have turned to vegetarian diets, for health reasons, love for animals, and why? Also, state your reason for being a vegetarian.. a)Religion b)Health c)Dont want to kill animals d)Other..specify
2 responses
@Raven1 (577)
• Australia
28 Oct 09
I'm a vegetarian because I can't process or digest red meat. I've been this way since I was a child, so I've only ever known a fully vegetarian diet. I'm very healthy, I'm not overweight and I've always got plenty of energy, so it can't be bad for me. Besides, there are so many great choices of foods to eat between vegetables, salads, fruits, pasta, rice, tofu and plenty of other options that there's so much more variety than a boring meal of steak and fries.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
11 Jan 09
I would like to become a complete vegetarian, however I must confess I have not suceeded so far. I guess we are omnivorous by nature. So eventually I get this craving for a big piece of red meat or chicken. For health reasons it is bettr for me to be vegetarian. Now there are so many products that make for an enjoyable diet. or instance vegatarian chili or lasagna is fabulous and I love the soy Mozzarella and soy swiss cheese. The troule is it is labour intensive and expensive to eat entirely vegetarian.