Ex husband/ problems

United States
January 11, 2009 4:06pm CST
My ex husband continues to take me to court over our children and other misc. things. He knows I can't afford a lawyer. I've already had two lawyers and nothing seems to get resolved. My ex is always writing lies about me and what goes on in my house. He left me after 23 years for a younger girl. So I've been working 2 jobs 7 days aweek just to pay my bills. I have 4 kids. 2 over 18 . Now i have to go back to court in 3 weeks. My 2 13 year old daughters refuse to go with him. This has been going on since we were going thru the divorce. He got a court order in the beginning so that the girls had to go with him. Then after a while the girls were getting depressed and crying all the time when they would have to be with him. Eventually one twin starting running away from him. She had threatened to kill herself if she had to go back. Both girls had to go therapy. I went back to court and got custody of the girls for one week. I had letters from the school therapist, a therapist from Drenk and a psychiatrist, saying the girls should not go back to the father until they received more therapy, etc. The judge disregards everything the professionals say and give my ex his rights back. This was in April. The children still refuse to go with him. So now he is taking me back to court again. I am tired of going back and forth to court just because my ex has nothing better to do. Also his new girlfriend left him. So now he has more time to torment me. I am so tired of him trying to ruin my life. I'll take any advice.
2 responses
@KarieD (7)
• United States
11 Jan 09
First of all, let me say I am sorry for the trouble you are going through. It can be rough, but all you can do is hold your head up high and deal the best you can. Second, have the girls told you why they don't want to go to dad's house? Have you considered having the girls go to court with you? Maybe have your lawyer allow the girls to tell the judge, in their own words, how they feel? Maybe ask for a court appointed social worker? I don't know enough really to help yet. I am willing to help anyway I can. KarieD
• United States
12 Jan 09
Thanks for your response. The girls actually were never close to their father while we were married. The girl that he left me for was their softball coach. They said that he would always take his girlfriends side over theirs. He would talk bad about me and my family to the girls. He would never let them contact me if they needed to. If would take their cell phones away and delete my family memebers numbers out of the phone and read there messages ( I bought and pay for their phones) He would also pat them down just to search for theit phones when they would arrive at his house. I could go on and on.(court) I brought the girls last time and they would not speak to them. So the counselor suggested they write him a letter explaining the situation at their father's and the judge wouldn't read them. I can't afford a lawyer anymore so I go alone.
• Philippines
13 Jan 09
I'm sorry for what you are going thru. I hope that things would get better. I don't have any advise to offer you but just to give an example how things are done here in my country. If you are being taken advantage of the well to do, here in my country we involve the media. Telling your story to the press makes a lot of noise and the other party would usually back down since they don't want any public attention and be portrayed the bad game that they really are.