do you switch off your phone when you're in a gas station?

February 17, 2009 10:11am CST
you see signs inside gas stations that prohibit engines from being turned on while you're filling up your tank. and you also see signs prohibiting cellphones. do you believe that a switched-on cellphone may cause a catastrophic explosion? do you actually turn off your cellphone when you're in a gas station?
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9 responses
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
17 Feb 09
We do not turn off our phones at a gas station. We do though make sure that they are left in the car and do not use them around the pumps. The cell phones are electricity and can cause a spark. Which then can cause an explosion. If you work at a gas plant you are not able to take them on the property at all when they are on.
1 person likes this
• India
17 Feb 09
hey but i rarely go to gas station
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
17 Feb 09
Sure they can be wrong. I live in a province where there are major gas plants everywhere.
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
Aha, gotcha. i wonder why the mythbusters disproved that theory though. are you familiar with that tv show? =) could the mythbusters perhaps be wrong?
@katsalot1 (1618)
17 Feb 09
I always used to turn off my phone before I went to get petrol, but then I saw a Tv programme that said it was a myth that phones could be dangerous in petrol stations, so now I leave it on. I think if it rang while I was near the petrol pump I wouldn't answer it though, just to be on the safe side!
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
hehehe. but then it's ringing, so it's already actively transmitting electromagnetic waves. perhaps reject the call? hehehe yes, i saw that tv show as well. :)
• Philippines
18 Feb 09
the electromagnetic radiation from a cellphone is very low. maybe the popcorn popping was NOT because of the cellphone?
• Canada
17 Feb 09
i saw a video about a cell phone popping popcorn just from ringing...
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I don't turn my phone off when I pump gas. I know that the signs have to be there for a reason, but I have never heard of a gas station explosion due to a cell phone. I guess if it ever happened I would make sure to turn it off though. I wonder if anything could actually happen because a cell phone started ringing when your pumping gas.
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• Philippines
18 Feb 09
that's what i've been wondering about, too. i've watched an episode of mythbusters where they tried to use cellphones to start a fire, or even just a teeny spark. but short of attaching the cellphone to a matchstick, the cellphone failed to start a spark. the mythbusters have been wrong in their methods before, but they usually know what they're doing. they've also researched on actual incidents where cellphones caused a fire, but i forgot what they said. :o
• India
17 Feb 09
i dont go to any gas station. in india i till now did not find place where they prohabit you to switch off cell phone excluding camera phones in big industry visit and some very special body of govrnment.
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
ah, that's interesting... gas stations in india don't encourage people to turn off their phones?
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
17 Feb 09
I leave it in the car. I don't leave the motor running. I touch the pole to remove static from my hands (which is more likely to start a fire then the phone). I watched a show that tested some of the different things that are said to happen at gas stations so that's why I'm careful about some and not really concerned about others. The show is called MythBusters. They may have the information on the web but I'm not sure.
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• Philippines
17 Feb 09
i think i saw that episode too. :) they tried everything with the cellphone short of connecting it to a nuclear bomb LOL i've forgotten most of the episode though. i still wonder why they put up those signs in the gas station about turning off cellphones... and i also wonder if people follow it. :)
@NaomiErin (389)
• Philippines
22 Feb 09
No. I only put it in a silent mode and tuck it in my bag. I had this experience before. The gasoline boy actually tapped the window of the car and asked me to turn my cellphone off. He also pointed a sign that cellphones should always be turned off once you're in the gasoline station. For me, I don't really mind taking precautions and following their rules. But then again, how will they know if your cellphone is really off? _
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• Philippines
22 Feb 09
if the cellphone is not within the sight of the gas station personnel, there is no way that anyone of them will know that it was not switched off. unless of course, it is being used while gassing up. well, if we will just come to think of it, it is really more for our end's benefit if we follow instructions, specially those precautionary measures. if we are following instructions, we are actually protecting our own lives.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
15 May 09
no, i do not turn off my phone when i fill up my gas. It has been already proven a lot of times that it won't trigger any effect. It is an old school of thought that the old timers who is not aware of the new findings still finds this very logical. it is the same with the theory that cellphone radiation can cause corn kernels to pop which false because i have tried it myself and believe me it does not work. a lot of people have their cellphones on while filling up gas, have we heard any real incident that a gas station blew up in flames because of cellphone use? the irony is that most gasoline boys and their supervisors themselves carries their cellphone in their pockets! and they instruct us to turn of our cellphones? duh?
• Philippines
22 Feb 09
since i believe that there are always valid reasons why the management of those oil companies have imposed some rules, i prefer to follow and do as they ask me to. thus, yes, i do switch off my cellphone when filling up the tank of our car at the gas station. i'd rather not take the chances at all. i understand that there is only one out of a thousand chances that that explosion will take place. however, i'd rather not risk being that one of a thousand that will cause the explosion. i have only one life and it will take only one chance to lose it forever. i'd rather take care not to put this one life into jeopardy just because of being such a hard headed person. there are so many love ones who count on me day after day. to disappoint them by leaving them early on is just simply a very selfish act.
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
17 Feb 09
Hello,Jones! Here in India some areas are specified for keeping the phones in off mode and if you use the phone on some ocasion you have to go out of the room or the area else they will snetch the phone from your hands.that is good I presume.thanx.
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
i think the gas stations want the phones turned off for fear that it can cause an explosion in the gas station. =) given that presumption, i wonder if people actually turn off their phones in gas stations. =)